TM 5-814-9
feet (0.6 to 0.9 meter) of freeboard should be
volume of water from the sediment basin, the
included above the maximum loading volume.
number and capacity of intermittent sand fil-
Water volume. The basin's size should
ters, the frequency of dosing the filters, and
the volume of sediment expected to collect
be based on Vave, for a one week wash
between cleanouts. The designer must ensure
period or Vmax for a peak use period,
whichever is greater. A safety factor
compatible with the influent volume from the
ranging from l.25 to 2.0 times Vave or
sediment basin and the effluent to the dosing
Vmax should be incorporated to help
tank or intermittent sand filters. If it is too
insure adequate water volume at all
large, it will not be cost-effective. If the basin
times. The effective depth of the basin
is too small, it will ovefflow. An extra 2 to 3
should be 5 to 8 feet (1.5 to 2.4