Heating Systems Operation and MaintenanceSection 1: Introduction - ufc_3_410_05n0020Maintenance Program - ufc_3_410_05n0021Tool RequirementSafety - ufc_3_410_05n0023Safety -Cont.Section 1: Self-Study QuestionsSection 2: Residential and Commercial Gas Fired FurnacesFigure 1 LP Storage TankFigure 2. Pressure/Temperature Relationship for Propane and ButaneGas Burning EquipmentFigure 3. Cross Section of A Typical Atmospheric Gas BurnerFigure 5. Manifold and Multiple Burner ArrangementTable 1. Orifice Capacity Table (1000 BTU/HR)Light OffPilot BurnerFigure 7. Pilot Safety Valve in Conjunction with Main Gas ValveFigure 8. Pilot Light Flame PositionsCombination Gas ValveFigure 10. Combination Gas ValveBimetal Type PilotHeat Exchanger - ufc_3_410_05n0040Figure 14. Heat Exchanger and Furnace FanFurnace FanFigure 16. Direct Drive and Belt Driven fansFigure 17. Fan Safety Cutoff SwitchesFigure 18. Time Delay Fan SwitchLimit SwitchesFigure 20. Combination Fan Limit SwitchMilivoltage SystemsPilot RelayFigure 22. Pilot Generator and Thermocouple ConstructionFigure 23. Pilot Operated Diaphragm ValveAutomatic Flue DamperElectronic Ignition SystemsFigure 25. Eletronic Ignition Retrofit KitCondensing FurnacesTable 2. Pilot Burner Service Analysis ChartTable 3. Troubleshooting Furnace OperationsTable 3. Troubleshooting Furnace Operations -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0058Table 3. Troubleshooting Furnace Operations -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0059Table 3. Troubleshooting Furnace Operations -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0060Section 2: Self-Study QuestionsSection 3: Residential and Commercial Oil-Fired FurnacesOil CombustionOil Combustion -Cont.Table 4. Amount by Weight and Volume of Combustion ProductsTable 5. Amount by Weight and Volume of Combustion Products When One Pound of Fuel Oil is Burned (50 Percent Excess Air)Role of Excess Air in CombustionFigure 27. Representation of the Effect of Excess Air on Combustion Gas TemperatureFigure 28. The Effect of Excess Air on Carbon DioxideEffects of Air LeaksCombustion ChamberFloor SizeFigure 30.Combustion Chamber DesignTable 6. Combustion Chamber Sizing DataTable 6. Combustion Chamber Sizing Data -Cont.Burning SettingFigure 31. Recommended Minimum Inside Dimensions of Refractory Type Combustion ChambersHeat Exchanger - ufc_3_410_05n0078Draft - ufc_3_410_05n0079Figure 32. Approximate Relationship for Percent Excess Air with Flame Temperature and Volume of Combustion GasesDraft -Cont.Draft RegulatorsFigure 33. Draft RegulatorDraft Over the FireTable 8. Recommended Size and Height for ChimneysTable 9. Common Chimney Troubles and Their CorrectionsFigure 34. Diagram of Common Chimney TroublesFigure 36. Atominazation and Ignition of Fuel OilFlame-Retention BurnersFigure 38. Flame Retention Oil BurnerFigure 39. Conventional and Retention Head FlamesFunction of Flame Retention BurnersAdverse Effects of Flame Retention Flame Retention BurnersBurner MotorPrimary ControlsFigure 41. Stack-Mounted Primary ControlFigure 42. One Piece Primary ControlStack DetectorStack Loss TheoryAssumptionsAssumptions -Cont.Figure 46. Theoretical Combustion Relationship Between Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen for No. 2 Heating OilFigure 47. Bacharach Instrument Company's Fire Finder Efficiency ChartTable 10. Efficiency Table for No.2 Oil (Oxygen Vs. Temperature )Table 10. Efficiency Table for No.2 Oil (Oxygen Vs. Temperature ) -Cont.Table 11. Efficiency Table for No.2 Oil (Carbon Dioxide Vs. Temperature)Table 11. Efficiency Table for No.2 Oil (Carbon Dioxide Vs. Temperature) -Cont.Figure 48. Graph of Heating Plant EfficiencyFyrite AnalyzerAmount of Carbon Dioxide in a Gas StreamTesting with FyriteDetermining Sampling LeakageMeasurement of Flue Gas TemperatureSmoke MeasurementFigure 51. Bacharach Smoke Spot TesterDraft - ufc_3_410_05n0116Figure 52. Oil Burner Smoke ScaleMaintenance - ufc_3_410_05n0118Troubleshooting - ufc_3_410_05n0119Burner Does Not Operate CorrectlyBurner Does Not Operate Correctly -Cont.Section 3: Self -Study QuestionsSection 4: ThermostatsFigure 55. Three-Wire Thermostat with a SubbaseThermostats - ufc_3_410_05n0125Figure 56. Manual Changeover, Heating and Cooling Thermostat with SubbaseFigure 57. Internal Wiring of a Four-Wire Heating/Cooling ThermostatFigure 58. System Wiring for a Four-Wire Thermostat with Heating and Cooling AnticipatorsFigure 59. Four -Wire Thermostat SubbaseTable 12.Thermostat Service AnalysisGas Furnace Electrical CircuitsFigure 61. Temperature Limit Switch in 120-Volt CircuitFigure 62. Horizontal or Downflow Furnace with Timed Start Fan ControlFigure 63. Furnace with Bimetal Pilot Safety SwitchFigure 64. Honeywell S-86. Electronic Ignition CircuitFigure 65. Intermittent Pilot System (IPS)Figure 65. Intermittent Pilot System (IPS) -Cont.Figure 66. Direct Spark Ignition System Troubleshooting ProcedureFigure 67. Carrier,BDP,Payne Pick-Hold Type IgnitionFigure 68. Automatic Pilot Reignition System Used on Roof-Top FurnacesFigure 69. Automatic Electronic Reignition SystemOil Furnace Electrical CircuitsFigure 70. Honeywell R8118 Oil Burner ControlFigure 71. Honeywell R8119 Oil Primary ControlSection 4: Self-Study QuestionsSection 5: Electrical Heat Heating ElementFigure 73. Electric Heating ElementOperating SequenceBlower ControlFigure 76. Electric Heat Single ElementElectric Furnace Electric CircuitsFigure 77. Electric Heat-Two Elements Operated From a Two-Storage Room ThermostatFigure 78. Electric Heat-Three Elements Sequenced From One Room ThermostatFigure 79. Electric Heat -Two Elements Sequenced From One Room Thermostat and an Outdoor ThermostatSection 5: Self-Study QuestionsSection 6: Steam and Hot Water SystemsTwo-Pipe Water SystemControl of Water CoilsFigure 83. Two-Pipe Reverse Return Hot Water SystemFigure 84. Two-Pipe Reverse Return System Used to Provide Heating or Cooling Figure 85. Unit HeaterFigure 87. Two-Way Control Valve on Heating CoilSteam PipingCondensate SystemsCondensate PipingFigure 90. End of Main Drip Leg Prevents Accumulation of Codensate in the Steam HeaderFigure 92. Lifting Condensate to an Overhead Return HeaderFigure 93. Modulated Steam Coil with Vacuum Breaker and 12 to 24 Inch Minimum LiquidFigure 94. Steam Distributing (Non-Freeze)Type CoilCondensate Pumps - ufc_3_410_05n0171Figure 96. Piping Detail to Allow for Pipe ExpansionSection 6: Self-Study QuestionsSection 7: Steam TrapsMechanical TrapsFigure 97. Inverted Bucket TrapFigure 99. Thermostatic Trap OperationFigure 101. Bellows and Diaphragm TrapsLiquid Filled Bellows or Diaphragm TrapFigure 102. Float and Thermostatic (F&T) TrapThermal Expansion Steam Trap Thermodynamic TrapsFigure 105. Orifice TrapsPiston Impulse TrapDisk TrapSelecting the Type of TrapTable 13. Steam Trap Selection GuideTable 13. Steam Trap Selection Guide -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0188Table 13. Steam Trap Selection Guide -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0189Table 14. Steam Trap Operating CharacteristicsTable 14. Steam Trap Operating Characteristics -Cont.Trap LimitationsSizing TrapsTable 15. Estimating Condensate LoadsInstallations GuidelinesFigure 108. Typical Steam Trap InstallationsInstallations Guidelines -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0197Installations Guidelines -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0198Implementing StandardsTable 18. Examples of Steam Loss for Various Orifice Sizes at 100 psigReplacing old or Faulty TrapsContinuous Inspection and MaintenanceBaseline SurveySystem StandardsSteam Trap Baseline SurveyEquipment - ufc_3_410_05n0206Inspection SchedulesUpgrade of the SystemInspection MethodsFigure 110. Illustration of Difference Between Flash Steam and Live SteamSound DetectionTable 20. Normal Pipe Temperatures at Various Operating PressuresFigure 111. Stream Trap Inspection EquipmentInspection for MisapplicationTrap FailuresTroubleshooting - ufc_3_410_05n0216Table 21. Troubleshooting Steam TrapsTable 21. Troubleshooting Steam Traps -Cont.Steam Trap Inspection LogTrap Repair and ReplacementThermostatic - ufc_3_410_05n0221Figure 113. Steam Trap Shop Test StandSection 7: Self-Study QuestionsSection 8: Heat PumpsHeat Pump ComponentsFigure 116. Refrigerant Piping for a Heat PumpFour Way Reversing ValveFigure 118. Four Way Reversing DriveEffect of Outside TemperatureSection 8: Self-Study QuestionsSection 9: Heating Systems Maintenance ProceduresCleaning of Heat ExchangersControls - ufc_3_410_05n0233Section 9: Self-Study QuestionsAppendix A -Preventive Maintenance and Inspection ScheduleAppendix A -Preventive Maintenance and Inspection Schedule -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0236Appendix A -Preventive Maintenance and Inspection Schedule -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0237Hot Water Boilers (350,000 Btu/h or less)Hot Water Boilers (350,000 Btu/h or less) -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0239Hot Water Boilers (350,000 Btu/h or less) -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0240Steam Boilers (350,000 Btu/h or Less)Steam Boilers (350,000 Btu/h or Less) -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0242Steam Boilers (350,000 Btu/h or Less) -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0243Steam Boilers (350,000 Btu/h or Less) -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0244Heat Pumps - ufc_3_410_05n0245Heat Pumps -Cont.Accessories - ufc_3_410_05n0247Thermostats - ufc_3_410_05n0248Other AccessoriesAppendix B- Answers to Self -Study QuestionsAppendix B- Answers to Self -Study Questions -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0251Appendix B- Answers to Self -Study Questions -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0252Appendix B- Answers to Self -Study Questions -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0253Appendix B- Answers to Self -Study Questions -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0254Glossary - ufc_3_410_05n0256Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0257Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0258Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0259Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0260Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0261Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0262Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0263Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0264Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0265Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0266Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0267Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0268Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0269Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0270Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0271Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0272Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0273Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0274Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0275Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0276Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0277Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0278Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0279Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0280Glossary -Cont. - ufc_3_410_05n0281