UFC 3-420-01
25 October 2004
Including changes 1 and 2, October 2006
3) Battery rooms or shops - Drain to the proper neutralization tank, if provided;
otherwise, drain to the sanitary sewer system. Segregate caustics from the Nickel-
Cadmium-Alkali battery area, including ES/EWS drainage, from acids. Segregate acids
from the Lead- Acid battery area, including ES/EWS drainage, from caustics. Do not
allow mixing of acid and alkali wastes in the drains.
4) Oily Waste shops - Drain to the oil/water separator, if provided; otherwise,
drain to the sanitary sewer system. Typical oily waste shops include the following: paint
shops and hangers, paint mix rooms, paint equipment rooms, engine shops, ground
support equipment shops, refueler shops, Public Works automotive shops, locomotive
and crane shops.
5) Miscellaneous materials - Drain to the sanitary sewer system.
6) Exterior ES/EWS in HAZMAT areas - Slope impervious-surfaced grade to
drain to a bermed or curbed impervious-surfaced area to allow cleanup without
"spillage" to the environment; or provide a floor drain connected to an appropriate drain
system, and an enclosure with roof to preclude storm water entry into the floor drain.
Provide the ramp, curb, and grate around the floor drain, to preclude surface drainage
into the floor drain.
Note: All drain connections must comply with all national, State, local, and DoD
regulations. Coordinate this issue with the local authorities per paragraph 1 above.
4. PIPED DRAINS - Piped drains for eyewash stations (EWS) are not required by the
International Plumbing Code (IPC) 2000 edition, see Section 411.
a. Owners and occupants prefer piped drains for EWS for housekeeping
b. Piped drains for EWS may be provided. The Environmental Protection Agency
regulation, 40 CFR 261, describes " ...the following mixtures of solid wastes and
hazardous wastes listed in Subpart D are not hazardous wastes..." "..."de minimis"
losses include ..." "...discharges from safety showers and rinsing and cleaning of
personal safety equipment;...". Therefore, EWS discharges may be drained to the
sanitary sewer system, as they are "de minimis" losses.
c. Piped drains, where provided, should comply with the following:
1) Piped full size from waste tee. See Figure D-1.
2) Piped drains should be provided with 4-inch (100 mm) deep seal traps.
Frequent testing of the EWS, as required by ANSI Z 358.1, will refill the trap seal.