UFC 3-420-01
25 October 2004
Including changes 1 and 2, October 2006
(1) Given:
h = 36 shower heads
occ= 2 occupants per shower
Td =43C (110F)
TS = 60C (140F)
\ Tc = 4.4oC (40oF)/2/
M = 75% useable tank capacity
ΔT = 5K (9F) Maximum temperature drop through distribution system.
ΔTt= 54K (97F)
Piping system consists of:
9 meters of 50 mm pipe
6 meters of 25 mm pipe
15 meters of 20 mm pipe
A separate tank and hot water boiler will be used.
qpipe = 0.10 kW = 341.18 BTUH
(2) Find:
(a) Peak domestic hot water demand, L
(b) Storage tank size, L (gal).
(c) Recovery rate required given the tank size selected, Lps
(d) Flow rate required for domestic hot water circulation
(e) Flow rate required for boiler circulation pump.