TM 5-815-1/AFR 19-6
Reentrainment (re-entrainment)
Particles reentering the gas stream after having been captured in a
particulate collection device.
Residual Dust Accumulation
The fairly stable matrix of dust that remains in a woven fabric after it is
cleaned. It accounts for the relatively high collection efficiency of a woven
fabric immediately after cleaning.
Tangential Firing
Four-cornered fuel firing to create a swirling flame pattern in a furnace.
Theoretical Air
The exact amount of air required to supply oxygen for complete combustion
of a given quantity of a specific fuel.
Theoretical Flame Temperature
The maximum possible flame temperature from burning a fuel.
Thread Count
The number of warp and filling yarns per inch in woven cloth.
Underfire Air
Any air controlled with respect to quantity and direction, forced or induced
and supplied beneath the grate, that passes through the fuel bed.
Volume Flow Rate
The quantity (measured in units of volume) of a fluid flowing per unit of
time, as ft3/min or gal/hr.
Woven Fabric
Fabric produced by interlacing strands at approximate right angles.
Lengthwise strands are called warp yarns and cross-wise strands are called
filling yarns.
Actual Cubic Feet per Minute
Best Available Control Technology
British Thermal Units per Hour
Carbon Dioxide
Carbon Monoxide
Cubic Feet per Minute
Degrees Fahrenheit
(Deg F)
Department of Defense
Dry Standard Cubic Feet per Minute
Electrostatic Precipitators
(E SP's)
Feet per Minute
Feet per Second
Flue Gas Desulfurization
Grains per Cubic Foot
Grains per Square Meter
Grains per Standard Cubic Foot
Std. Ft3)
Micro-grams per Cubic Meter
Million British Thermal Units
(Mu Btu)
(MM Btu)
Municipal Solid Waste
National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Navy Energy and Environmental Support Activity
New Source Review
New Source Performance Standards
Nitric Oxide