Table 21
Makeup Water Analysis
Parts Per Million (ppm) *
* Cations
* Calcium
as CaCO3
* Magnesium
as CaCO3
* Sodium
as CaCO3
as CaCO3
* Total Cations
as CaCO3
* Anions
* Bicarbonate
as CaCO3
* Carbonate
as CaCO3
* Hydroxide
as CaCO3
* Sulfate
as CaCO3
* Chloride
as CaCO3
* Phosphate
as CaCO3
* Total Anions
as CaCO3
* Total Hardness
as CaCO3
* Methyl Orange Alkalinity
as CaCO3
* Phenolphthalein Alkalinity
as CaCO3
* Iron, Total
as Fe
* Carbon Dioxide
as free CO2
* Silica
as SiO2
* Suspended Solids
* Total Dissolved Solids
* Free Acid
* Color
* pH
micro mhos/cm
(1) Total anions equal total cations
(2) Total hardness equals calcium plus magnesium (all as ppm CaCO3)
Sodium Cation Exchanger. See Figure 31. Use this treatment to
reduce water hardness without affecting the alkalinity. The exchanger tanks
are often hooked up in parallel, each unit being sized to handle service flow
while the other is regenerating.