Section 7:
Software Programs. There are a number of software
programs available which address water issues. Several programs
deal with water use or specifically, water conservation. The
more pertinent of these will be briefly previewed in this section
along with vendor data should you wish to obtain further
information on the programs themselves.
This listing is not all inclusive, and this handbook is
not endorsing or promoting the use of any or all of these
products, but merely includes them here for informational
purposes to inform you of some of the many sources of support
FEDS. Facility Energy Decision Screening (FEDS) is a
water component. It focuses on targeting and prioritizing
buildings and end-use retrofit projects for conserving energy.
Water conservation is addressed only as it relates to energy
savings (e.g., water heaters).
FEDS allows detailed energy information to be inputted
and in return, provides detailed project-by-project information
about retrofit technology selection and economic information. It
helps the user to estimate post-retrofit energy consumption,
initial installed cost of the retrofits, recurring costs of the
retrofits, value of the change in energy consumption and
operation and maintenance requirements, and net present value of
the retrofits.
Vendor Information
U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Federal Energy Management Programs
Code EE-44
Washington, DC 20585
Ph: (800) 566-2877
(FEMP Helpline)
IWRAPS. Installation Water Resources Analysis and
Planning System (IWRAPS) is a water forecasting tool for military
facilities. A version of the program has been developed for each
service. These versions contain water-use coefficients developed
from actual data obtained from nationwide surveys of military