Solar Heating of Buildings and Domestic Hot Water - indexSolar Heating of Buildings and Domestic Hot Water - ufc_3_440_04n0001Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) - ufc_3_440_04n0002Foreword - ufc_3_440_04n0003Contents - ufc_3_440_04n0004Chapter 1 Introduction - ufc_3_440_04n0005References - ufc_3_440_04n0006Appendix A Solar Heating of Buildings and Domestic Hot WaterMilitary Handbook - ufc_3_440_04n0008Contents - ufc_3_440_04n0009Contents - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0010List of Figures - ufc_3_440_04n0011Introduction - ufc_3_440_04n0014Related criteriaRelated criteria - Cont'dSolar energyFigure 1-1. The Sun's Path Across the Sky at Specific Times of the YearTable 1-1. Total Harisontal Solar Radiation intensityTable 1-1. Total Harisontal Solar Radiation intensity - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0020Table 1-1. Total Harisontal Solar Radiation intensity - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0021Table 1-1. Total Harisontal Solar Radiation intensity - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0022Table 1-1. Total Harisontal Solar Radiation intensity - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0023Table 1-1. Total Harisontal Solar Radiation intensity - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0024Solar collector orientationFigure 1-3. Collector for Domestic Hot WaterSolar collector orientation - Cont'dAdvantages and disadvantages - ufc_3_440_04n0028Solar System ComponentsFigure 2-1. Types of Solar Beat CollectionsLiquid and air-type collectorsTable 2-1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Air and Liquid Heating SystemsCollector covers (glazes)Table 2-2. Characteristics of Absorber Coatings (U.S. Dept. of HUD, 1977)Table 2-2. Characteristics of Absorber Coatings (U.S. Dept. of HUD, 1977) - Cont'dTable 2-3. A Comparison of Various Materials Used for Collector CoversCollector insulationTable 2-4. Guide to Selection of Number of Transparent Cover Plates.Figure 2-2. Single Gasket Seal for Double Glazing Collector fluids - corrosion and freeze protection Collector fluids - corrosion and freeze protection - Cont'dFigure 2-4. Typical Configurations for Solar Water Heater SyatemsFigure 2.5. Figure 2-5. Heat Exchangers for Solar Water Heating SystemsSilicone fluidsTable 2-5. Heat TransferTable 2-5. Heat Transfer - Cont'dHydrocarbonsCollector connectionsFigure 2-6a. Collector PipingCollector efficiency and heat lossesCollector efficiency and heat losses - Cont'dFigure 2-7. Typical Solar Collector Efficiencies Table 2-6. Solar Collector Test Results Table 2-6. Solar Collector Test Results - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0055Table 2-6. Solar Collector Test Results - Cont'd Table 2-6. Solar Collector Test Results - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0057Table 2-6. Solar Collector Test Results - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0058Table 2-6. Solar Collector Test Results - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0059Table 2-6. Solar Collector Test Results - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0060Figure 2-8. Evacuated tube solar heat collector.Figure 2-9. Concentrating Collectors for Solar EnergyEnergy storage and auxiliary heatEnergy storage and auxiliary heat - Cont'dFigure 2-10. Schematic of Potable Hot Water Heating System Using Solar Storage Storage tanksDomestic hot water systems (DHW)Table 2-7. Advantages and Disadvantages of Tank Types (Cole et al., 1979).Table 2-8. Storage Tank Costs.[a]Table 2-9. Hot Water Demands and Use for Various Types of Buildings.Figure 2-11a. Thermosyphon System TestsThermosyphon, batch, and integral storage collector systemsSpace heating and DHW systemsFigure 2-12. Minimum Heating System, Showing Relationship of Collector,Storage, and Room Unit HeaterFigure 2-14. Space Heating and Domestic Hot Water SystemFigure 2-15. Typical Air-Type Space Heating SystemHeat distribution for liquid-type solar systems\Figure 2-16. A Liquid-To-Air Heat Delivery SystemHeat pumps - ufc_3_440_04n0079Heat pumps - Cont'dFigure 2-17. Series Connected, Solar -Assisted Heat Pump SystemFigure 2-18. Paralied-Connected, Solar-Assisted Heat Pump SystemPassive systemsFigure 2-19. Passive Solar Energy SystemsPassive systems - Cont'dFigure 2-20. New-construction (office) Passive Solar Energy SystemFigure 2-22. South Solar Collector With Combined StorageFigure 2-23. Retrofitted Large Sock StorageSolar cooling systemsFigure 2-24. Schematic of Lithium Bromide Absorption CoolerRankine cycle heat engine coolingDesiccant cooling (Scholten and Curran, 1979)Figure 2-25. Schematic of solar desiccant cooling.Other cooling methodsFigure 2-26. Control System StrategyFigure 2-27. Control System Sursface and DHW HeatingPiping, pumps, valvesPumps and collector flowrateOther considerations - ufc_3_440_04n0099Contract submittals requiredOther applicable documentsDesign Methods - ufc_3_440_04n0102Figure 3-1. Fraction of Space Heating/DHW Load Supplied by Solar EnergySolar collector Parameters - Worksheet BLoad calculations - Worksheet C-lTable 3-1. Building Heat Loss Rates.Table 3-2. Total Heating Desire Days (page 65 F) From Solar Energy Search Institute (1980)Table 3-2. Total Heating Desire Days (page 65 F) From Solar Energy Search Institute (1980) - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0108Table 3-2. Total Heating Desire Days (page 65 F) From Solar Energy Search Institute (1980) - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0109Table 3-2. Total Heating Desire Days (page 65 F) From Solar Energy Search Institute (1980) - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0110Table 3-2. Total Heating Desire Days (page 65 F) From Solar Energy Search Institute (1980) - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0111Table 3-2. Total Heating Desire Days (page 65 F) From Solar Energy Search Institute (1980) - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0112Monthly solar collection parameters - Worksheet D-1Table 3-3. DHW Temperature at Source in Selected Locations (U.S. Dept HUD, 1977).Figure 3-2. Slope Factor for use on Worksheet D-1 (Average Over 1 Day)Table 3-4. Average Daytime Ambient Temperatures (deg. F) from Solar Energy Research Institute (1981)Table 3-4. Average Daytime Ambient Temperatures (deg. F) from Solar Energy Research Institute (1981) - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0117Table 3-4. Average Daytime Ambient Temperatures (deg. F) from Solar Energy Research Institute (1981) - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0118Table 3-4. Average Daytime Ambient Temperatures (deg. F) from Solar Energy Research Institute (1981) - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0119Table 3-4. Average Daytime Ambient Temperatures (deg. F) from Solar Energy Research Institute (1981) - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0120Table 3-4. Average Daytime Ambient Temperatures (deg. F) from Solar Energy Research Institute (1981) - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0121Economic analysisEnergy Conversion Fators Operating and maintenance (O&M) costsPresent worth analysis using a discount factor - Worksheet E-1Collector temperatures - Worksheet E-1Table 3-5a Annual Fuel Inflation Factors, 10% DiscountTable 3-5b. Fuel Inflation Factors - No Discount.Table 3-5c. Annual Fuel Inflation Factors, 7% Discount.Solar system cost - Worksheet FTable 3-6. Solar System Component Cost Estimates.[a]Air-heating collector design - Worksheet HFigure 3-3. Fraction of Space Heating/DHW Load Supplied by Solar Air Heating SystemWorksheet A Job Summary - ufc_3_440_04n0134Worksheet B Solar Collector ParametersWorksheet C-1 Calculation (5)Worksheet C-2 Demand Calculations Domestric Water HeaterWorksheet D-1 Months. V Solar Collection parametersWorksheet D-2. Fraction of Load Supplied by Solar HeatWorksheet E-1 value of Fuel Saved - ufc_3_440_04n0140Worksheet E-2 Present Worth Analysis - ufc_3_440_04n0141Worksheet F Solar Systems Cost AnalysisWorksheet G Additional Cost Items Related to Use of Solar HeatingWorksheet H Solar Air Collector System Design SummaryExample ProblemsDiscussion of example 1 Example 1 - worksheetsWorksheet A Job Summary - ufc_3_440_04n0148Worksheet H Solar Collecttor Parameters Load Calculation (5)Demand Calculations Domestic Water HeaterWorksheet D-1 Monthly Soar Collection ParametersWorksheet D-2 Fraction of Load Supplied by Solar HeatWorksheet E-1 Value of Fuel Saved - ufc_3_440_04n0154Worksheet E-2 Present Worth Analysis - ufc_3_440_04n0155Worksheet F Solar System Cost AnalysisDirectory of Solar Equipment ManufacturersReferences and Select BibliographyReferences and Select Bibliography - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0159References and Select Bibliography - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0160References and Select Bibliography - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0161References and Select Bibliography - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0162References and Select Bibliography - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0163References and Select Bibliography - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0164List of SymbolsList of Symbols - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0166List of Symbols - Cont'd - ufc_3_440_04n0167