The SPLs at the Control Room wall are about l dB
(4) SPLs in Engine Room No. 2. Figure 4-10
lower than these in the 500-through 8000-Hz
gives the SPLs of the 900-hp engine extrapolated
bands. It is noted here that if there had been no
to the three walls of interest--Maintenance Shop,
sound absorption material in the engine room, the
Control Room, and Office Corridor. Figure 4-11
total SPLs of figure 49 would have been 1 dB
gives the SPLs of the first 1600-hp engine at the
higher at 125 Hz, 3 dB higher at 250 Hz, 4 dB
same three walls. The SPLs of the future 1600-hp
higher at 500 Hz, and 6 dB hig her at 1000 through
engine are the same as those given in figure 411,
8000 Hz.
even though the wall distances are slightly differ-