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AFR 161-35 Hazardous Noise Exposure, HQ. U.S.A.F. WASH, DC 20330.
AR 40-5 Medical Services, Health and Environment, U.S. Army A. G. Pub-
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BUMEDINST 6260.6B Hearing Conservation Program, U.S. Army A. G.
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ER 1110345100 Engineering and Design, Design Policy for Military Con-
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ER 11 10345700 Engineering and Design, Design and Analysis. USACE
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NAVFAC DM3 Design Manual, Mechanical Engineering. Naval Publica-
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TB MED 501 Occupational & Environmental Health: Hearing Conserva-
tion. U.S. Army A. G. Publications Center, 2800 Eastern Blvd., Balti-
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TM 58001 Construction Criteria for Army Facilities, U.S. Army A. G.
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TM 58382 Army Health Facility Design, U.S. Army A. G. Publications
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Harris, Cyril M., Handbook of Noise Control. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY
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