c) Spill and overfill protection.
d) Release detection. Other Criteria. If tank is to be installed in a
locale or state with more stringent criteria, use the more
stringent criteria. If tank is to be installed in a NATO
country other than the CONUS, follow the most stringent of
local regulations or NATO Airfield Standard Design - Jet Fuel
Storage and Dispensing Systems.
General Requirements. Design all petroleum fuel
storage, handling, transportation, and distribution facilities
with full consideration of the hazardous nature of the fuels
to be handled and their vapors. Ensure compliance with
Protection of Aboveground Storage Tanks Fire Protection Water Systems. Provide fire
protection water mains, hydrants, valves, pumps, and
application devices to permit control of brush and grass fires
and cooling of storage tanks in the event of a fire exposure.
Provide a minimum of two hydrants. Locate hydrants and valves
outside of diked areas. Locate hydrants so that protected
exposures can be reached through hose runs not exceeding 300
feet (90 m). Comply with all requirements of MIL-HDBK-1008
for water supply. Fire Protection Foam Systems. With the use of the
full contact, aluminum honeycomb floating pans in fuel tanks,
foam systems are not required.
Protection of Tank Truck and Tank Car Facilities.
For facilities (such as loading stands) used for the transfer
of flammable or combustible liquids to or from tank truck,
refuelers, tank cars, drums, or other portable containers,
provide portable dry chemical extinguishers of appropriate
size, number, and location for the exposure. Where foam
systems exist for the protection of other exposures (such as
storage tanks), consider extending the foam system to hydrants
or monitors located within range of the loading or off-loading