Card and Key Locks. Consider the possible economic
and operational advantages of using an electronic card or key
system which permits 24-hour unmanned operation of the
facility. These types of systems are comprised of a card/key
reader which is located near the service pump. The reader is
activated by a card or key and accumulates issues and customer
data which is downloaded to a central computer on a periodic
basis. Activities with capitalized fuel, that is petroleum
eligible for projects to install automated card/key lock
systems. Activities with capitalized fuel report inventories
of these products to DESC through a system called Fuel
Automated System (FAS). Automated systems to control
capitalized inventories must be able to interface with the
FAS. These types of automated systems are managed under the
automated fuel service station (AFSS) program by DESC. It
should be noted that AFSS equipment is used to control issues
of product and is not an automated tank gauging system.
Further information on AFSS systems and funding programs may
be obtained by contacting DESC-FE.
FUEL ADDITIVES. If directed by DESC, provide bulk
storage facilities which store aviation turbine fuels with the
equipment to inject fuel additives. This will require
proportional injectors, storage of additives, and capability
of recirculating tanks through piping with injectors. If the
additives have a corrosive characteristic, construct the
system, including storage tanks, tank appurtenances, pumps if
required, piping and associated fittings, valves, and injector
assemblies of stainless steel components. Additive injection
is not normally performed at the installation level.