underwater connection. Coordinate offshore mooring systems
with Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center, Ocean
Construction Division (NFESC-OCD).
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. Section 2, General Design
Information, of this handbook contains important information
on fueling facilities. Do not start the design of any fueling
system without first becoming completely familiar with
Section 2 of this handbook. In particular, refer to Section 2
for guidance on spill prevention, air quality control, and
other environmental, safety and fire protection issues.
GENERAL LAYOUT. Provide pier loading and off-
loading connections, with cap and plug valve, at the pier edge
for each product to be transported. The intent is for a
loading arm manifold with a separate shutoff plug valve for
each product connection. This will allow simultaneous loading
and off-loading of different products, each through a
dedicated arm. Use the following criteria:
a) Provide each branch line to the pier edge with a
valve located at the main line.
b) Do not provide a gauge outboard of the hose
connection shut off valve because hose movement will indicate
the presence or absence of pressure in the hose.
c) If required, provide one or more loading arms at
each station.
d) Provide a liquid-filled pressure gauge for each
loading arm, located to be easily read from the operator
position. This gauge is provided because the drybreak check
valve at the end of the loading arm and the rigid piping will
not intuitively indicate the presence or absence of pressure
at the loading arm.
e) Provide for venting and draining of the branch
lines and loading arm manifolds. Provide for manual venting
of the branch lines, connect the vents to the oil waste line,
similar to a sanitary vent system to avoid spillage. When
pier drain lines cannot be sloped back to the pierhead
stripping pumps, a design including separate oil waste drain
lines, holding tank, and dedicated stripping pump is a viable