UFC 3-460-03
21 JANUARY 2003
Chapter 11
11.1. Introduction. This chapter provides minimum standards for safe entry, inspection, cleaning,
repairing, and coating of liquid petroleum tanks. The names formally used to describe LFM tank-
cleaning positions (tank cleaning supervisor, worker, manhole observer, fresh air blower monitor, safety
[emergency] person) have been changed to align the LFM career field with the Air Force Confined
Space Entry Program (CSEP). The new names: tank entry supervisor (TES); entrant; attendant;
regulator monitor; and organizational rescue team (standby rescue personnel), respectively.
11.2. Standards.
11.2.1. For all tank cleaning and related functions, follow the guidance in API Std 2015, Safe Entry
and Cleaning of Petroleum Storage Tanks, Planning and Managing Tank Entry from
Decommissioning through Recommissioning. API Std 2015 contains a comprehensive planning
checklist in Appendix E. The rest of the paragraphs in this chapter tailor guidance in the API
publication to the LFM requirement.
11.2.2. The following AFOSH standards are to be used in lieu of the OSHA standards covered in the
API publication: AFOSH Std 91-25, Confined Spaces (49 CFR 1910.146, Permit-Required Confined
Spaces). AFOSH Std 91-31, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). AFOSH Std 91-38, Hydrocarbon Fuels, General. AFOSH Std 48-137, Respiratory Protection Program. AFOSH Std 48-8, Controlling Exposure to Hazardous Materials. AFOSH Std 91-5, Cutting and Brazing.
11.3. TES Certification Requirements. The TES is responsible for all aspects of tank entry and must
have an AF Form 483, Tank Cleaning Certificate of Competency card issued by the MAJCOM fuels
engineer. Certification will not exceed five years from the completion date of the Air Education and
Training Command (AETC) TES course. The MAJCOM fuels engineer may approve a one-year
waiver. Certificates are not transferable between MAJCOMs. Submit the following to the MAJCOM
fuels engineer for certification:
11.3.1. Certification of Training. Forward a copy of the AETC TES course completion certificate
(AF Form 1256, Certificate of Training). This course is mandatory for certification and must be
redone every five years. A one-year waiver may be approved by the MAJCOM fuels engineer to
allow for scheduling difficulties.
11.3.2. Tank Cleaning Experience. List at least two tanks cleaned, showing dates, size, location, and
tank-cleaning supervisor.