UFC 3-530-01
22 August 2006
luminaires are often used for general ambient lighting. However, they are most
appropriately used as task lighting or accent lighting / wallwashing. Semi-recessed
luminaires use a lens or shade, dropped below the ceiling plane, to provide a decorative
element as well as put some brightness on the ceiling. All recessed luminaires have a
housing above the ceiling that contains the lamp and provides power. The housing
must be suitable for the luminaire location. For example, in an insulated ceiling, the
housing must be rated for contact with insulation or "IC" rated.
Figure 5-4. Recessed and semi-recessed luminaires.
Track Lighting. Track mounted luminaires are adjustable and can also be
relocated along the length of track. These typically use tungsten halogen or low
wattage metal halide directional sources especially appropriate for accent lighting.
However, some track luminaires accommodate compact fluorescent lamps and are
therefore more suitable for wall washing.
Figure 5-5. Track mounted luminaires.
Pole Mounted Exterior Luminaires. Pole mounted luminaires for exterior
lighting come in a wide range of heights, but can generally be grouped in one of three
categories: high mast luminaires, area luminaires on 7.6 12.2 m (25 -40 ft) poles, and
pedestrian scale luminaires on shorter poles.