UFC 3-530-01
22 August 2006
Modeling of Faces and Objects: Low glare light from multiple sources
provides adequate shadowing, depth perception, and modeling of any
object in the room, including people.
Horizontal Illuminance: Because dining tables may also be used as a
desktop, adequate light levels must be maintained on the work plane. This
amount of light should not be the default ambient light level, but should be
controlled lighting that is only provided when necessary.
Target Horizontal Illuminance ( 10%): 50 lux (5 fc)
Like living rooms, dining rooms are often used for variety of tasks. A dining room table
may serve as a game table or desk as well as a dinner table. The lighting needs to
provide a range of light levels to accommodate this range of use. Compact fluorescent
dimming is available with dimming ballasts for many decorative luminaires.