UFC 3-530-01
22 August 2006
light contributes to light pollution and should be eliminated wherever
possible. Shielded luminaires and low wattage lamps minimize the
chance of light trespass. Houseside shields also limit spill light onto an
adjacent building or property.
Modeling of Faces or Objects: By providing vertical illuminance from
multiple directions, pedestrians' faces will be visible and accurately
Peripheral Detection: The detection of hazards near buildings relies
heavily on peripheral vision. Research shows that peripheral vision and
detection are enhanced under white light. White light (as opposed to more
orange light produced by high-pressure sodium) renders objects sharper
and provides excellent peripheral detection compared to high-pressure
Reflected Glare: Polished surfaces can reflect a lamp image if luminaires
are not carefully located. Wet surfaces also provide a surface that has the
potential for reflected glare. Select and locate luminaires to minimize this
a much as possible.
Shadows: Select and locate lighting to eliminate shadows near entries.
This increases an individual's sense of security.
Vertical Illuminance: Vertical illuminance serves to light objects that may
be hazards as well as other pedestrians.
Target Horizontal Illuminance ( 10%): 5 lux (0.5 fc) on walkways.
Lighting for housing and the surrounding areas should utilize low wattage lamps and
fully shielded or cutoff luminaires to light the building surfaces, prevent glare, and
provide a high level of visibility with the minimum light level necessary. When wall
mounted luminaires light the wall surface, a soft ambient light is provided without the
harsh glare of unshielded floodlights. Avoiding this glare controls contrast while people
and objects stand out in silhouette.
Pedestrian poles with fully shielded or cutoff luminaires light paths and walkways with a
minimum amount of glare, light trespass, and light pollution. Light trespass in bedroom
windows increases the chance of circadian cycle disruption. Well-designed reflectors
still provide adequate vertical illuminance to light individuals and possible hazards.