UFC 3-530-01
22 August 2006
Shadows: Locate and space poles for maximum uniformity and so that
the light from the luminaires minimizes shadows that could conceal
potential hazards.
Source / Task / Eye Geometry: Luminaire locations and pole heights need
to be determined while considering the location and viewing angles of
typical tasks. Keep light sources out of the field of view as much as
Target Horizontal Illuminance ( 10%): 50 lux (5 fc)
The use of fully shielded or full cutoff luminaires with flat lenses, in addition to the lowest
wattage lamp that will adequately meet light level requirements, minimizes light pollution
and the chance of direct glare. Research shows that peripheral vision and detection are
enhanced under white light. White light (as opposed to more orange light produced by
high-pressure sodium) renders objects sharper and provides excellent peripheral
detection compared to high-pressure sodium. Use low-pressure sodium lamps in sea
turtle nesting areas.