Table 6
Equipment Selection For Boiler Plants
* Equipment
Size or Type
Pertinent Information
* Water tube boiler 10,000 to 25,000 pph
Coal/oil or coal/oil/gas
* (shop assembled)
or coal fired
* Water tube boiler 30,000 to 160,000 pph
Coal/oil or coal fired.
* (field erected)
Gas can be used if allowed
by current energy policy.
Casing to withstand not
less than 20 inches W.G.
Maximum casing surface
temperature not to exceed
150 degrees F.
* Air heater
Tubular or regenerative Use for wood firing, some
coal firing where required
economically justified. Keep *
outlet gas temperature
above dew point. Maximum
air shall not exceed 350 deg F *
for coal stoker or wood chip
firing; pulverized coal firing *
may use temperatures up to
600 deg F. Minimum flue gas
temperature range is 300 to
350 degrees F.
* Economizer
Use where economically
* (part of boiler
covered tube for coal
justified. Keep outlet gas
* unit)
or high sulfur oil.
temperature above dew point.
Finned tubes for No. 2
Keep water inlet
fuel oil, gas.
temperature from 230 deg F
to 250 degrees F depending
on sulfur content of fuel.
* Superheater
* (part of boiler)