Solid Waste Disposal Permit. If any hazardous wastes are stored, treated, or
disposed of by methods other than those described above, a Hazardous Waste Management
Facility (HWMF) permit must be obtained from EPA. Compliance with the following
requirements is a prerequisite for obtaining the permit.
The HWMF must be in a secure area.
b) The HWMF must be inspected for equipment malfunctions or deterioration,
operator errors, and discharges. A written inspection plan and log must be kept.
c) Unless EPA agrees that such equipment is not necessary, the HWMF must
have an alarm system to warn personnel of emergencies, a method of summoning emergency
assistance, and access to emergency equipment.
d) A contingency plan must be prepared. The contingency plan must be
designed to minimize hazards of human health and the environment from fires, explosions,
or any unplanned release of hazardous waste.
e) A written operating record is required, and a biannual report must be
filed with EPA.
f) All personnel must be trained to handle the hazardous waste safely and
in compliance with all permit requirements and conditions.
g) All hazardous waste management activities must be conducted at least 200
feet from any fault which has had displacement in the Holocene time. Facilities in
jurisdictions other than those listed in Appendix VI of 40 CFR 264 are assumed to comply
with this requirement.
h) All hazardous waste management facilities located in a 100-year flood
plain must be designed, constructed, operated, and maintained to prevent washout of any
hazardous waste by a 100-year flood, unless washout of the waste would have no adverse
effects on human health or the environment, or unless the waste can be safely moved to
an upland site before flood waters can reach the facility.
i) A ground water monitoring program meeting the requirements of 40 CFR
264.98 is required for any surface impoundment, waste pile, land treatment facility, or
landfill which handles hazardous waste unless EPA determines that there is no potential
for migration of leachate from the hazardous waste facility to the uppermost aquifer, or
unless the facility is exempted from ground water monitoring because of its design
(e.g., landfills are exempted from ground water monitoring if they have a double liner
system located entirely above the seasonal high water table, a leak detection system
located between the liners, and a leachate collection and removal system located on top
of the uppermost liner).