Practicable Distribution Area. Considering the 15,000-foot limit on
the length of a medium-voltage feeder and the impracticality of straight-path
feeder installations, the central plant service area is likely to be limited
to a 2.5-mile radius. Therefore, site configurations permitting one central
plant should serve an area up to 5 miles in diameter (see Figure 2).
Figure 2
Example of Central Plant/Hangar Site Plan
Shunt Reactor Capacity. Install shunt reactors on each
medium-voltage feeder to balance the capacitance of that feeder. Size the
reactor so that the no-load power factor of each medium-voltage feeder, and
thus the system, is close to unity. The nominal kilovoltampere reactive
(kvar) rating of each reactor must be greater than its feeder cable's
capacitive kvar to provide a lagging power factor, but it should not be more
than 10 kvar as seen by the overall system. Indicate nominal ratings based on
the maximum allowable specified capacitance of each medium-voltage feeder.
Install shunt reactors on each medium-voltage feeder as indicated on Figure 1.