UFC 3-560-01
6 December 2006
Including change 1, 7 December 2006
10-12.2.6 A safety line is used only for lowering a worker to the ground.
10-12.2.7 A snatch block is a rope sheave and hook with one side of the sheave open
to avoid threading the rope through a hole.
10-12.3 Knots and Splices. Where it is necessary to connect two aerial rope lines
permanently, a splice must be made. No metal, wire, or clamps can be used in making
the splices. The strength of a splice can be close to the original strength of the rope,
and is always much greater than the strength of a knot.
10-12.3.1 Knots, friction tape, cord, or marlin must not be used in joining the two parts
of an aerial rope line. Properly assembled splices are not normally bulky.
10-12.3.2 Each end of the rope line must be finished (served) to prevent unraveling of
the strands. A handline must be dry and strong enough to be used as a safety line for
lowering a person safely from a pole.
10-12.4 Handline and Rope Line Precautions. Although the term handline is used
in the following paragraphs, these precautions apply to all rope lines.
10-12.4.1 Handlines must be at least twice as long as the height of the highest
crossarm, and equipped with single sheaves. No metal must be used on any handline,
except for the use of a standard hook.
10-12.4.2 Handlines with worn or frayed parts must be scrapped immediately.
10-12.4.3 Handlines must be carried up a pole uncoiled and attached to the back of
body harness/belt, before any work is done. A worker climbing with a handline must
take care to prevent the handline from catching on pole attachments.
10-12.4.4 Handlines must not be pulled over sharp bends, sharp edges, or surfaces
with splinters.
10-12.4.5 Handlines must be kept free from solder, oil, grease, snarls, and knots.
10-12.4.6 Handlines must not be stored while they are wet.
10-12.4.7 When not in use, handlines must be rolled up and stored in a dry and
protected place. Always thoroughly dry handlines before storing. Handlines must never
be permitted to lie on the street or highway.
10-12.4.8 Where handlines are being let out on the poles, at least one member of the
crew must be stationed at a safe distance from the base of the pole to take care of the
loading and unloading of the handline, and to see that the ends are kept free from all
street traffic.