UFC 3-560-01
6 December 2006
Including change 1, 7 December 2006
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) to maintain worker safety within a
temporary traffic control zone. /1/
Protect approaches to work areas, excavations, open manholes, and parked
Ensure a fully charged and operable handheld fire extinguisher is immediately
accessible when performing underground work. Confirm the fire extinguisher is rated
for use on electrical equipment.
Mark all equipment and materials with red flags by day and red lights by night
when located or stored where pedestrians or vehicular traffic might be endangered.
Avoid parking tool carts and reels on inclined streets. Where this cannot be
avoided, equipment must be placed at a slight angle to the curb so that the curb serves
as a chock. Chock all wheels with blocks or other suitable items, and install a well-
fastened upright brace at both the front and rear of the vehicle. Where more than one
reel is parked at the same location, lag the reels together. Place and fasten chock
blocks and braces so that they cannot be easily dislodged.
Store equipment or materials where they do not obstruct fire alarm boxes,
hydrants, or fire apparatus.
Cover open holes along streets, driveways, walkways, and accessible places
by appropriate strength covers.
The following applies to excavation, trenching, and backfilling.
11-2.8.1 Ensure all areas are appropriately scoped and marked showing where the
exact location of existing electrical, steam, natural gas, water, and cable lines are
located prior to any hand (manual) or mechanical digging. Obtain digging permits as
11-2.8.1 Use ditching machines with suitable walkways, footboards, and railings, and
having protective guards over gears, chains, and other moving parts. Do not stand near
digging buckets while the machine is in operation.
11-2.8.2 Where possible, excavate trenches in increments to minimize the length of
open trenches. On a daily basis, remove spoil to an area where it does not constitute a
safety hazard.
11-2.8.3 Keep tools, stones, and dirt away from the edges of a trench. In excavations
in which workers may be required to enter, excavated and other material must be kept
at least 2 ft (0.6 m) from the edge of the excavation.