UFC 3-560-01
6 December 2006
Including change 1, 7 December 2006
13-11.2 Shore personnel disconnect cable assemblies by removing plugs from shore
Close shore power receptacle access covers.
Remove "DANGER" tags.
13-11.5 Lower cable assemblies from the ship onto the pier and reel for shipment to
the cable storage area.
13-11.6 If 4,160 volts, ship's personnel remove grounds from ship's shore power bus.
Ship's personnel remove "DANGER" tags and locks from ship's shore power circuit
13-11.7 If 4,160 volts, shore activity personnel remove grounds from load side of
facility shore power circuit breakers. Shore personnel and ship's personnel remove
"DANGER" tags and locks from shore facility shore power circuit breakers.
13-11.8 Notify the ship that all connections have been removed and necessary forms
signed and filled out.