f. All signs should be removed from a pole before any worker climbs or does any work
above them on a pole. It is not desirable to have signs on poles, but street signs may be necessary
at times. Where street signs are removed they should be replaced after all work is completed.
g. Climb on the high side of a raked or leaning pole if possible, but do not climb on the
side where the ground wire is attached. Avoid grasping pins, brackets, crossarms, braces, or
other attachments that might pull lose and cause a fall.
h. Never slide down any type of pole or any guy wire. If it is impossible to use climbers
for ascending and descending such places, ladders or other means should be used.
i. Do not ride overhead guys or cables. (This does not apply to cables installed for river
crossings or otherwise intended to support workers in suitable conveyances.)
7.8.5 Precautions While Working on Poles. Observe the following safety
precautions. Safety harnesses should be used by workers at all times while handling wires or
apparatus on a pole or structure. The following measures should be taken:
a. Be careful in attaching snaps to D-rings. Visually ensure that the snap keeper is fully
closed in the correct ring before any weight is applied to the safety strap.
b. Always be sure that safety straps are not twisted while in use.
c. Never depend on a crossarm or crossarm pins and braces for support.
d. Never attach safety straps above the crossarm in the top gain or around insulator pins,
crossarm braces, transformer hangers, pole steps, or guy wires. If there is no crossarm in the top
gain, the strap should not be placed closer to the top of the pole in a manner that assures there is
at least 0.6 meters (2 feet) to the top of the pole. In this case take precautions to assure that the
strap does not slip off. Ideally the strap should be below the top pole attachment, except where
that attachment is above eye level.
e. Do not permit any worker to fasten both safety harness snaps in the same D-ring in
order to reach out farther on the pole. An extension safety strap should be used or the safety
harness let out so that work can be performed with the safety harness snaps fastened one in each
f. Workers should not attach metal hooks, or other metal devices to body harnesses.
Metal chains and keepers should not be used. Use leather straps or rawhide thongs with hard
wood or fiber keepers. Care should be taken to prevent the snaps on the safety harnesses from
coming in contact with anything that may open a snap. The tongue of the snap on the safety
harness should face away from the body.