UFC 3-600-01
26 September 2006
Protection, and the NFPA Handbook provide additional information on ultra high-
speed deluge systems.
6- Provide high-speed (operation of 500 milliseconds or less),
propellants are processed or stored in ordnance production facilities. Complete
protection of such locations is essential.
6- Provide ordinary deluge systems, wet-pipe systems, or preaction
systems in other areas or auxiliary sections of buildings in which processing of
6- Provide ordinary deluge systems, wet-pipe systems, or pre-action
systems in other areas or auxiliary sections of buildings in which storage of
explosives or propellants takes place.
6- Provide wet-pipe sprinkler systems in other areas or auxiliary
sections of buildings if separated by fire partitions.
6- Provide wet-pipe or pre-action sprinkler systems where missile
assembly inspection or storage is carried on and where the propellant is confined
within the missile, or warheads are present. Similar protection must be provided
for torpedo and air underwater weapons shops.
6- Heat detection equipment of any type is acceptable if equipment
meets the operating time limitations and is suitable in other respects, such as
complying with explosion-proof requirements. When pneumatic-type detection
equipment is used, not more than three detectors, and preferably only one, must
be on a single circuit. The detectors must be in the same heat influence area.
6- All fire protection systems protecting ordnance operations must
have complete supervision so that any deficiency that develops that would affect
the speed or reliability of operation will give a distinct alarm separate from the
water flow alarm.
Water Demands for Ultra High-Speed Deluge Systems.
Water supplies for ultra high-speed deluge systems must be adequate to supply
the total demand of the largest fire area at the specific residual pressure required
by the system for a period of at least 15 minutes unless a hazard analysis
indicates a longer flow time is needed. Provide a flow rate of at least 20.4
L/m/m (0.50 gpm/ft2) over the entire area protected by the ultra high-speed
deluge system unless a hazard analysis indicates a higher flow rate is needed.
Ultra High-Speed Deluge Systems.
Comply with the requirements of NFPA 15, except as noted in this standard.