TM 5-800-4
To calculate cost estimates for the construction of new and
size. The prescribed unit cost ($NSF) is based on an average
replacement family housing, the DOD Family Housing Cost
project size. Projects which propose constructing a large
Model (Tri-Service Cost Model) is used. This is the only
number of units will realize economies of scale resulting in a
approved method of estimating costs for family housing
smaller project size factor. The project size factor table is listed
construction or replacement projects. A completed example of
on Table 1, Size Adjustment Factors, Part II, Family Housing,
the Tri-Service Cost Model is shown in figure G-1. Specific
of this TM.
instructions to complete the Tri-Service cost model are as
9. Unit Size - The unit size factor (based on ANSF) also
quantifies economies of scale. Dwelling units with more NSF
1. FY - The fiscal year in which the project is proposed to
will capture additional economies of scale and will thus have a
be included in the AH-I budget.
smaller unit size factor. The unit size factor table is listed on
2. Location - The installation and state in which the
Table 1, Size Adjustment Factors, Part II, Family Housing, of
proposed construction will take place.
this TM.
3. # Units - The number of family housing dwelling units
10. Project Factor - The project factor equals the area cost
which will be constructed in this project. Note that for
factor times the project size factor times the unit size factor.
replacement projects, the number of units maybe equal to or
One project factor applies to all units being constructed in a
less than the number of units to be demolished.
given project. Do not calculate a separate factor for each type of
4. ANSF - The average net square feet of the units
unit, i.e., two, three and four bedroom junior noncommissioned
proposed for construction. Note that family housing is based on
net square footage (NSF), not gross square footage (GSF). Size
11. Housing Unit Cost - The housing unit cost equals the
5 foot line cost times the project factor.
of dwelling units will be based on the statutory size limit
authorized in Section 2826, Title 10, USC for category of
12. Solar Cost and Information System Cost - These are
soldier and size of family. See Table 1.1 of TRI 210-50, AFH
additional costs and were not captured in the 5 foot building line
Whole Neighborhood Revitalization Planning Guide, for
cost. If project is to include solar energy features, multiply the
present statutory size limits.
estimated solar cost times the area cost factor times the number
5. $/NSF - The cost to construct family housing per net
of dwelling units to arrive at the total project solar cost. Note
square foot. The cost will correspond to the fiscal year of the
that such features must be justified based on a life cycle cost
project. Cost includes only the primary facility, including
analysis. The information system cost must be added to every
carport and bulk storage, not the supporting infrastructure,
AFH construction project. This cost represents telephone and
cable television connections and wiring inside the buildings 5
demolition, supporting amenities or special construction
requirements. Presently, the cost to construct family housing per
foot line. Presently, 0 per dwelling unit is used; however,
net square foot is as follows:
this may change in the future as uniform communication and
cable television requirements are resolved. Narrations from this
cost must be explained and justified. To arrive at the
FY 94
FY 95
FY 96
FY 97
information system cost, multiply 0 times the area cost
factor times the number of dwelling units.
* includes Alaska and Hawaii.
13. Other - In some instances, site conditions may require
additional costs for the primary facility (inside the 5 foot
Note: Cost per NSF is based on a townhouse style con-
building line). Examples include rock excavation, special
struction. Where garden style housing is being considered, the
foundation requirements, soil stabilization, basements, special
addition of an automatic fire sprinkler system should be
architectural features, or garages. Note that the basic $/NSF
included using the prescribed unit cost (currently .00/NSF
included a carport. If a garage can be justified as an exception
to policy, the additional cost required may be included here.
14. Average Unit Cost - The average unit cost is derived by
6. 5' Line Cost - The 5 foot line cost is the cost just for the
adding the housing unit cost, the solar cost, (if any), the
dwelling unit and equals the number of units times the average
information system cost and any "other" cost, and dividing by
net square feet times the cost per net square foot.
the number of units.
7. ACF - The area cost factor adjusts the prescribed costs
15. Supporting Cost - This considers all work outside the
5 foot building line, and includes site preparation, roads,
to the location of the proposed project. The area cost factors are
listed in Appendix B, Location Adjustment Factors Table, of
utilities, recreation, landscaping, demolition, etc. Where support
this TM and are updated annually based on actual construction
cost estimates can be documented, show the unit cost and how
costs of the prior year.
derived. Often, support cost for AFH are difficult to identity for
8. Project Size - The project size factor allows for
various reasons. The proposed units may be sited on the same
economies of scale which is dependent upon the project
site as some existing units which are planned for demolition or