UFC 4-010-01
8 October 2003
Including change 1, 22 January 2007
Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC)
Change Summary Sheet
UFC 4-010-01, DoD Minimum Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings
Cancels: UFC 4-010-01, DoD Minimum Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings, Dated
08 October 2003
Description of Change(s):
Editorial and typographic corrections throughout.
Chapter 1 Introduction
1-1.2.2 Installation Commanders. Added information regarding guidance and
requirements established by combatant commanders i.e. EUCOM, PACOM,
1-1.2.4 Geographic Combatant Commanders. New paragraph outlining
responsibilities for establishing additional guidance ensuring a uniform and
consistent application of these standards within their areas of operations or to
account for any special circumstances that apply within their areas of operations.
Additional References - Added the following:
o Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 4-023-03, Design of Buildings to Resist
Progressive Collapse (reference for Standard 6 Progressive Collapse
o ASTM Standard E1300-04e1, Standard Practice for Determining Load
Resistance of Glass in Buildings (reference for Standard 10 Windows,
Skylights and Glazed Doors)
o ASTM Standard F1642-04, Standard Test Method for Glazing and Glazing
Systems Subject to Airblast Loadings (reference for Standard 10
Windows, Skylights and Glazed Doors)
o ASTM Standard F2248-03, Standard Practice for Specifying an Equivalent
3-Second Duration Design Loading for Blast Resistant Glazing Fabricated
with Laminated Glass (reference for Standard 10 Windows, Skylights and
Glazed Doors)
1-3 Standards and Recommendations: Added explanation that these
standards are a combination of performance and prescriptive requirements,
where in many cases the prescriptive requirements (standoff, glazing thickness)
are based on performance standards set forth in other documents.
1-4 Intent: Added explanation on the intent of these standards with regards to
bringing existing buildings into compliance over time as major investments are
made in them or as leases are renewed such that eventually all inhabited DoD
buildings comply with these standards.
1-6 Applicability: Editorial changes and additions: Added "high occupancy
family housing" and added definition to Appendix A; Changed "uninhabited" to