UFC 4-010-01
8 October 2003
Including change 1, 22 January 2007
Table 2-2 Levels of Protection Expeditionary and Temporary
Level of
Potential Structural
Potential Injury
Severe damage. Frame
Majority of personnel in
Below AT
Standards 1
collapse/massive destruction.
collapse region suffer fatalities.
Little left standing.
Potential fatalities in areas
outside of collapsed area likely.
Heavy damage. Major portions
Majority of personnel in
Very Low
of the structure will collapse
damaged area suffer serious
(over 50%). A significant
injuries with a potential for
percentage of secondary
fatalities. Personnel in areas
structural members will
outside damaged area will
collapse (over 50%).
experience minor to moderate
Moderate damage. Damage
Majority of personnel in
will be unrepairable. Some
damaged area suffer minor to
sections of the structure may
moderate injuries with the
collapse or lose structural
potential for a few serious
capacity (10 to 20% of
injuries, but fatalities are
unlikely. Personnel in areas
outside damaged areas will
potentially experience a minor
to moderate injuries.
Minor damage. Damage will
Personnel in damaged area
be repairable.
potentially suffer minor to
Minor to major deformations of
moderate injuries, but fatalities
both structural members and
are unlikely. Personnel in
non-structural elements. Some
areas outside damaged areas
secondary debris will be likely,
will potentially experience
but the structure remains intact
superficial injuries.
with collapse unlikely.
Minimal damage.
Only superficial injuries are
No permanent deformation of
primary and secondary
structural members or non-
structural elements.
Note 1: This is not a level of protection, and should never be a design goal. It
only defines a realm of more severe structural response, and may provide useful
information in some cases.
Exempted Building Types. For the reasons below, some building types
are exempted from some or all of these standards. The minimum standards should be
applied to the exempted building types where possible.
Family Housing. The exemption of family housing with 12 units or fewer
in a single building acknowledges that the density of such units is generally low,
reducing the likelihood of mass casualties. It also acknowledges the fact that low-
density housing has rarely been directly targeted by terrorists. A further assumption for