UFC 4-021-02NF
27 September 2006
change 1, 23 October 2006
geometry are that the systems are durable and easily understood. The speed of hand
recognition tends to be more rapid than fingerprint recognition. Hand recognition is
reasonably accurate since the shape of all hands is unique. A disadvantage is that they
tend to give higher false accept rates than fingerprint recognition. As with fingerprint
technology, hand geometry is not convenient in environments where workers wear
3- Handwriting. Handwriting recognition analyzes the pressure and form of a
signature. This technology is only used in an ACS without heavy traffic because the
procedure of verification is slow. A PIN is typically entered into the system first so that
the computer can more quickly find a template against which to identify the person
seeking entry. Handwriting systems are not widely used.
3- Voice Recognition. Voice recognition identifies the voice characteristics of a
given phrase to that of one held in a template. Voice recognition is generally not
performed as one function, and is typically part of a system where a valid PIN must be
entered before the voice analyzer is activated. An advantage of voice recognition is that
the technology is less expensive than other biometric technologies. Additionally, it can
be operated hands-free. A disadvantage is that the voice synthesizer must be placed in
an area where the voice is not disturbed by background sounds. Often a booth has to
be installed to house the sensor in order to provide the system an acceptable quiet
background. Voice recognition systems are not widely used.
3- Iris Patterns. Iris recognition technology scans the surface of the eye and
compares the iris pattern with stored iris templates. Iris scanning is the most accurate
and secure biometric. After DNA, irises are the most individualized feature of the human
body. Even identical twins have different irises, and each person's two irises differ from
each other. The unique pattern of the human iris is fully formed by ten months of age
and remains unchanged through a person's lifetime. A benefit of iris recognition is that it
is not susceptible to theft, loss, or compromise, and irises are less susceptible to wear
and injury than many other parts of the body. Newer iris scanners allow scanning to
occur from up to ten inches away. A disadvantage of iris scanning is that some people
are timid about having their eye scanned. Throughput time for this technology should
also be considered. Typical throughput time is two seconds. If a number of people need
to be processed through an entrance in a short period of time, this can be problematic.
3- Retinal Scanning. Retinal scanning is an older, comparable technology that
reads the blood vessel pattern on the retina in the back of the eye, but it is not readily
available in the marketplace. Whereas iris scanners can work up to ten inches from the
reader, retinal scanners require individuals to look into a device that shines a harmless
infrared light into the eye. Hesitance to look directly into such a reader has curtailed the
acceptance of retinal scanners in most applications.