UFC 4-021-02NF
27 September 2006
change 1, 23 October 2006
Considerations when designing a CCTV system include:
4-18.1.1 Weather conditions such as fog, mist, rain, and snow. Obtain the
environmental requirements such as maximum wind speed, high and low temperatures,
as well as humidity information to aid in determining which equipment to use.
4-18.1.2 For work at an existing installation, determine if a new system or expansion of
the existing system is best. Some of the factors to consider in weighing the cost of a
new system versus modification/expansion to an existing system are as follows:
1. Determine the capacity of the existing system to accept new cameras.
2. Determine if the existing system is adequate in terms of adequate
picture quality and technology.
3. Determine the cost savings associated with making use of existing
equipment, especially an existing matrix switcher.
4. Determine if the new system or device is compatible with any existing
devices such as cameras and matrix switches. Rewiring for new
cameras and devices is labor-intensive and can be expensive.
4-18.1.3 Use proven technology. Dealers will try to sell the latest and greatest, which
may or may not be proven technology.
4-18.1.4 Look for ease-of-use.
4-18.1.5 Cameras to be used in conjunction with infrared lighting (black and white
cameras or dual mode cameras) should not have an infrared filter on the camera.
4-18.1.6 Specify whether or not auto-white balance or manual white balance shall be
used. Normally auto white balance will be recommended. The exception would be an
environment where there is a stable black-white image.
4-18.1.7 Coordinate with the lighting designer to provide appropriate light for both
interior and exterior (site) cameras.
4-18.1.8 For interior cameras, ensure sufficient lighting is available to assess alarms at
all hours of the day. Use strategically placed night-lights to ensure internal visibility at
4-18.1.9 For outside locations, specify tamper-resistant housings or other vandal-proof
features for remote areas.
4-18.1.10 Investigate the scalability of the system. If more cameras are needed locally
or remotely, can new systems be added with as little effort as possible?