UFC 4-021-02NF
27 September 2006
change 1, 23 October 2006
minimum of one per work shift should be considered. It is a good practice to define
some performance criteria such as "upon training completion, the tenant command
should be able to unilaterally make additions or deletions to the ACS database."
Operation and Maintenance
9-1.4.1 Overview. In specifying ESS, the designer needs to consider maintenance,
service, repair, and sustainability of systems and the associated components. Systems
with arduous requirements should be reconsidered.
9-1.4.2 Spare Capacity. An ESS should have the capability to be easily expanded or
modified for simple changes, such as adding a card reader or camera, over the near-
term life of the system. Accordingly, the ESS designer should plan for a nominal 20%
expansion capacity when designing a new system.
Throughout the planning and design process the designer should coordinate
closely with security (Physical Security Officer) and anti-terrorism personnel
(Antiterrorism Officer), end-users, base communications officer (information
technology), and fire and safety personnel.
Gate Control (Vehicle Gates and Sally Ports). A sally port is a holding port
where vehicles are located. Sally ports may require control hardware for interlocking
gates. Refer to UFC 4-012.1 (Security Engineering: Entry Control Facilities/Access
Control Points) for more information on sally ports and entry control points.
made by buried direct conductors. Underground site work needs to coordinated with
existing civil drawings and buried utilities.
Importance of Coordination. Past experience shows that the biggest
disconnect in project design and construction costs is due to lack of coordination
between commands, security, engineers, and ESS installation personnel. It is
imperative that planned ESS component locations be identified early in initial design
and planning stages in order to coordinate conduit installation and electronic module
interface requirements for security locks and equipment. Additionally, coordination in the
project programming stage will give persons responsible for collateral equipment the
time necessary to plan for the facility's necessary equipment.
Detailed door-by-door coordination reviews should be conducted during design
development and creation of construction documents.