Closers. Comply with manufacturer's recommendations for size of
door control unit depending on size of door, exposure to weather, and
anticipated frequency of use. Where parallel arms are indicated for closers,
provide closer unit one size larger than recommended for use with standard
arm. Hold-open devices are not permitted.
Windows. Provide weatherproof and stain resistant, aluminum-framed
(steel-framed for industrial type facilities), factory finished windows.
Provide exterior windows with insulated glazing where required for noise,
thermal or solar protection. Provide tinted glazing for solar protection.
Provide glazing, window frames, and frame anchors to withstand the required
wind pressures. Refer to NFGS-08510, Steel Windows, NFGS-08520, Aluminum
Windows, NFGS-08529, Aluminum Storm Windows, and NFGS-08800, Glazing. Install
windows in fire-rated partitions in accordance with NFPA 80. Service Windows. When located in fire-rated partitions, provide
fire-rated service windows or service windows with automatic fire shutters.
Refer to NFPA 80 and NFPA 101.
Ladders. Design ladders in accordance with American National
Standards Institute ANSI A14.3, Safety Requirements for Fixed Ladders.
Provide fall protection and safety devices in accordance to ANSI A14.3.
Pre-engineered, Premanufactured Buildings. Consider pre-engineered
metal or premanufactured metal or fiberglass-reinforced plastic buildings for
remote and unattended facilities and for temporary construction. See Figure
Mechanical Engineering
for equipment with high heat loads or that require more critical temperature
or humidity control than would otherwise be required for the remainder of the
equipment for personnel comfort applications to remove the sensible and latent
heat loads generated within these areas. Computer rooms and electrical
equipment rooms produce predominantly sensible heat and require specially
interfere with electronic equipment or radiated signals.
Heating and Air Conditioning. Provide heating and air
conditioning in accordance with NAVFAC DM-3.03, Heating, Ventilating, Air
Conditioning and Dehumidifying Systems, MIL-HDBK-1190, and MIL-HDBK-1012/1.
Provide duct smoke detectors and controls in accordance with MIL-HDBK-1008.