Vaults. Vaults or vault construction will be specified by the IDSEP
or the user command. Specific criteria for construction and installation are
given in DIAM 50-3 and MIL-HDBK 1013/1.
Safety and Emergency Devices.
Equip vault doors with an emergency
escape device and the following:
Illuminated light switch.
Emergency light (if the vault is otherwise unlighted).
c) Interior alarm switch or other device (such as a telephone) to
permit a person in the vault to communicate with a vault custodian, guard, or
guard post.
d) Instructions on obtaining release permanently affixed to the
inside of the door or prominently displayed elsewhere inside the vault.
e) Bank vault ventilator approved by Underwriters Laboratories,
Inc. (UL), if the vault is not otherwise served by forced air ventilation.
Fire Protection. Equip the vault with at least one portable,
Safety and Health
General Requirements. Design occupied buildings with maximum
consideration given to safety and health. Refer to Title 29, CFR, Part 1910,
Occupational Safety and Health Standards, with particular emphasis on noise
control for hearing conservation and safety standards for toxic and hazardous
substances. Provide suitable facilities for quick drenching or flushing of
the eyes and body within the work area for immediate emergency use where any
person may be exposed to injurious corrosive materials.
Human Engineering. Consider safety in relation to operational
function, accessibility for maintenance and repair, physical layout for
traffic, interface with other equipment, and environmental factors, such as
lighting, temperature, and humidity. Refer to MIL-STD-882, System Safety
Program Requirements, and MIL-STD-1472, Human Engineering Design Criteria for
Military Systems, Equipment, and Facilities.
Electromagnetic Hazards. Many facilities discussed herein contain
equipment that radiates an electromagnetic signal. Consider the effect of
(HERF) when planning and designing facilities housing EMR emitting equipment.
Provide safety measures to eliminate or reduce hazardous conditions. Refer to