UFC 4-150-02
12 May 2003
Including change 1, 19 January 2007
PURPOSE. This UFC provides design criteria and guidance in the design
of utility systems for piers, wharves, and drydocks. Criteria are given for Type I Piers
(Fueling, Ammunition, and Supply); Type II Piers (General Purpose Piers); and Type III
Piers (Repair Piers.) Utilities covered include steam, compressed air, salt or non-
potable water, potable water, oily waste/waste oil (OWWO) or petroleum, oil and
lubricants (POL), CHT, electric power, and telecommunications.
\ 1-1.1
Appendix C. Appendix C contains tables of Ship Utility Requirements.
These tables replace the Ships Characteristics Database (SCDB) and provide all
information about ship utilities in a single resource (this UFC.) For information about
USACE vessels, use the requirements for a similar Navy vessel or contact the
cognizant USACE DISTRICT. /1/
U.S. ARMY REQUIREMENTS. U.S. Army vessel requirements for
dockside utilities are contained in Chapter 7.
General Information. This UFC has been developed from an evaluation
of facilities in the shore establishment, from surveys of the availability of new materials
and construction methods, and from selection of the best design practices of the Naval
Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFACENGCOM), other Government agencies,
and the private sector. This UFC was prepared using, to the maximum extent feasible,
national professional society, association, and institute standards. Deviations from this
criteria, in the planning, engineering, design, and construction of naval shore facilities,
cannot be made without prior approval of NAVFAC CIENG or USACE.