UFC 4-150-02
12 May 2003
Including change 1, 19 January 2007
traffic, covers must be designed for the same uniform loads and wheel loads as the
nominal pier deck with the exception that crane outrigger reactions need not be
addressed. It is therefore necessary that utility trenches not be located within the pier
cross-section where mobile cranes are likely to position their outriggers.
Hangers and Support Assemblies. Hangers, bolts and specially
fabricated supports and braces must be hot-dip galvanized after fabrication or
and hardware. Many Activities prefer the state-of-the-art fiberglass support systems.
Consult with the Activity and the cognizant NAVFAC EFD/EFA OR USACE DISTRICT.
Where salt spray exposure is severe, incorporate appropriate additional anticorrosion
measures for hangers. This includes the application of epoxy coatings, the use of
stainless steel or monel bolting, and the use of fiberglass/resin composite hangers and
bolting. Refer to Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center (NFESC) TDS-2025-SHR,
Polymer Composite Utility Pipe Hangers. Lastly, hangers must be designed based
upon the maximum potential weight of the utility system. For example, for steam piping,
allow the piping to be full of water.
Protection of Utility Connections. Means to protect utility connections,
hoses, and cables from damage due to traffic and snagging by mooring lines are
essential. Conventional protection schemes consist of curbs, pits, concrete structures,
or railings. Where pier width is sufficient, consider the use of continuous curbs located
at sufficient distance from the edge of the pier. The design should exclude pier traffic
from the areas containing utility connections, hoses, and cables. Where utility pits are
used, sufficient pit length must be incorporated to ensure that hoses may be connected
and led from pits to ships without kinking or chafing.
Outlets, Connections, and Access Hatches. Access hatches in decks
should have flush-mounted covers and must be designed to eliminate any danger of
tripping. Where outlets and connections must appropriately protrude above the deck
level, shield them in a manner that will ensure personnel safety and prevent mooring
lines from being snagged on the piping and equipment. Certain utility connections such
as sanitary sewer, fuels, oily waste, and waste oil must be contained within a curb or
vault. Provide a drainage system to an appropriate collection system. Additionally, fuel
hoses must be provided with a curbed lay-down area for the collection of drippings.
Also, refer to MIL-HDBK 1025/1, Piers and Wharves, for other typical details.
Seismic Protection
Performance of Utility Lines. Provide special and detailed
considerations for seismic protection. This applies to pierside utility systems and the
associated landside utility systems. Specific details are required for storage structures
and the interface transition between the landside systems and the pierside systems.
Except POL lines, design all piping and utility lines as "essential" construction. See
MIL-HDBK 1025/1. (The design requirements for POL lines are defined in the following
paragraph.) In general, essential construction is expected to: