UFC 4-150-02
12 May 2003
Including change 1, 19 January 2007
Location Details. See Figure 3-11 and Figure 3-12 for typical installation
on piers and quay walls. Locate all collecting sewers behind the permanent wharf or
pier construction and away from the fender systems. Locate pump stations off the pier
and behind the bulkhead lines. If location along the pier deck is required, then do not
restrict working area on the pier. Lines behind wharves should always be buried. For
design of new piers and quay walls, consider locating sewers in utility tunnels. This
arrangement will reduced external corrosion and improved maintainability of the sewer
lines, and thus may offset higher construction costs.
Environmental Considerations (Corrosion and Freeze Protection).
Evaluate paint and finish requirements. See paragraph 2.6. For
ship-to-shore sewer connections (including ductile iron sewer pipe and all
exposed metal such as steel support members, gratings, angles, pipe
support hangers, fastening devices, and other appurtenances) it is
generally recommended to provide a two-coat, coal-tar epoxy coating,
conforming to Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC) Paint No. 16.
Specify a total dry film thickness of 0.4 mm (16 mils) minimum.
Evaluate freeze protection requirements. See Figure 3-13. Pipes
installed under piers or wharves in any geographic location must be
protected from wave action and floating objects. Provide protective
jacketing of the insulation using aluminum, stainless steel, or coal-tar
epoxy coated steel where freeze protection is required. Provide structural
protection for the entire length of pipe run in addition to jacketing. Use
steel cage of fabricated shapes or consider the use of a catwalk system
that would provide both access and piping protection. Specialized freeze
protection features are defined in Chapter 6.