UFC 4-150-02
12 May 2003
Including change 1, 19 January 2007
Sewage Transfer Hoses. See Figure 3-14 and Figure 3-15. Provide a
washing facility for washing the end couplings and the exterior of the hose. The facility
should include hot potable water and a standard stock detergent. Hose
washing/storage facilities must be designed so that manual lifting or pulling of hoses is
minimized through the use of mechanical devices and/or arrangement of the area. Caps
for each end of the hose should be provided and installed after washing. The clean
hose should be stored in drying racks. For further information, refer to NAVFAC MO-
340, "Ship-to-Shore Hose Handling Operations Manual".
Drydock Facilities. For drydock facilities, design the sewage collection
system for the maximum planned docking pattern and the designed peak flow
conditions. Consider the following when designing drydock collection systems.
Separation of hydrostatic leakage from drydock wastewater: The drydock
wastewater is generally not contaminated and can be discharged directly
to storm sewers or open water depending on regulatory conditions.
Separation of ship's domestic wastes from the industrial wastes generated
by drydock activities: These industrial wastes include leakage,
precipitation runoff, and washdown that carries sandblasting residue and
Layout. Ships fitted with collection-holding-transfer (CHT) should be
connected to dockside sanitary sewers for CHT discharge. Ships without CHT should
use scuppers and manifold connections to the ship's discharge points and then transfer
to the sanitary sewer system. See Figure 3-16 for typical collection system layouts in
drydock facilities.
Pump Station Features. Make capacity equal to that of maximum
combined ship's discharge rate of ships in drydock. Furnish portable auxiliary pumping
facilities when required. Refer to UFC 4-213-10.
Sewage Receiving Connections and Transfer Hoses. See Figure 3-17
for underground drydock receiving hose connections. Figure 3-15 is also applicable for
aboveground drydock receiving hose connections. Aboveground receiving hose
connections should be used whenever possible. See paragraph 3-7.3.9 regarding
transfer hoses.
Special Structures and Appurtenances. See Figure 3-16 for typical
cleanout locations for drydock sewers. Locate cleanouts in main sewer at a maximum
spacing of 91 m (300 ft).