UFC 4-150-07
19 June 2001
Figure 5-12 Concrete Structures and Attachments (Above Water) Checklist
Deck Area
___ Check horizontal and vertical alignment
___ Check for missing, broken, or loose connections, obstructions and other
hazardous conditions of curbs, handrails and catwalks.
___ Check bollards, bits, cleats and capstans for wear, breaks, rough or sharp
surfaces or edges, and missing or loose bolts.
___ Check deck drains and scuppers for loose, missing or broken screws,
water ponding and other deficiencies.
___ Check manhole covers and grating fro rust, corrosion, bent or worn hinge
pins, and other damage.
___ Inspect concrete deck surface, curbs, utility trenches and gallery areas for
cracks, spalling, loose joint sealers, and other damage. Closely inspect for
corrosion of reinforcing steel and visual signs of rust.
___ Check ladders for corrosion, and broken, bent or missing rungs.
___ Check grounding connections for security
Exposed Area Under Pile or Along Wharf or Dolphin Assembly
___ Check pile caps and bearing, batter and fender piles for damaged or
broken members, cracks and spalling of concrete, rust stains, and exposed
reinforcing steel.
___ Check for efflorescence, and general disintegration of the underside of pier
decking and pile caps (Figure 5-13).
___ Check bottom scouring or undermining.
___ Check for evidence of shrinkage, swelling, and chemical deterioration;
freeze/thaw deterioration; abrasion wear; and overload damage of piles as
shown in Figure 5-14.
___ Sound the piling or structure with a hammer to detect any loose layers of
concrete or hollow spots. A sharp ringing noise indicates sound concrete.
A soft surface will be detected, not only by a sound change, but also by the
change in the rebound, or feel, of the hammer. A thud or hollow sound
indicates a delaminated layer of concrete, most likely for corrosion of steel