UFC 4-152-01
28 July 2005
Supporting Items.
a. Provide fender / camel systems for the following arrangements:
Multiple / nested berths for DD 963, CG 47, DDG 51, FFG 7
(surface combatants),
Single berths for LHD, LHA, multiple berths for LPD, LSD
(amphibious assault);
Single berths for T-AKE, T-AO, T-AOE, (auxiliary)
Single berths for CVNs
Multiple/nested berths for SSN, SSBN
b. Aircraft require extensive support. Those requirements are not
addressed herein.
c. A minimum of 5 acres (20,234m2) of laydown area in addition to
pier/wharf space is desirable. The laydown area should be within mile
(.8km) of the pier or wharf.
d. Brows and Platforms are usually placed at ship's designated
entry/egress points to the main deck. For CV and CVN, two 45-foot brows
are usually placed on the ship's #2 elevator and one 60-foot (18.3 m) brow
placed between elevators #2 and #3 to the main deck. Brow design
length will be based on camel design and resultant standoff distance.
e. Design facilities (ramps, landings, railings) in accordance with
American with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. Technical requirements and
guidelines for accessibility to buildings and facilities are found in ICC/ANSI
A117.1 and the American with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines
f. Sideport loading ramp access is of primary concern to LHA-1, LHD-1,
and LPD-17. For double deck piers special ramps are required to access
sideport loading ramp. The study Amphibious Warfare Ship to Pier
Interface Study provides details on the access problem as well as
recommended special ramps.
g. Generally, design CVN berths to accommodate a variety of other
classes of ships as well.
h. Design general warehouse space to be accessible to large trucks and
handling equipment.