UFC 4-152-01
28 July 2005
Composite Camels.
See paragraph 6.2.6 above.
Aircraft Carrier Camels.
Currently, aircraft carrier camels designed specifically for CVN-68 class aircraft
carriers are available through an indefinite quantity contract (N00189-00-D-
0254). This five-year contract expires in September 2005. Camel design is
proprietary. To date, seven sets of camels have been ordered: 4 for Naval
Station Norfolk, 2 for Naval Station San Diego, and 1 for Naval Station Mayport.
On 2 September 04 an exercise was conducted in berthing CVN-65 alongside
Pier 6 South at Naval Station Norfolk. This was to learn more about CVN
berthing at a double deck pier. One significant finding was the need to increase
the width of the aircraft camel by approximately 5 ft (1.5 m) to give additional
standoff. Figure 6-2 shows a CVN camel in plan view.