Design: Hyperbaric Facilities - indexDesign: Hyperbaric Facilities - ufc_4_159_01n0001Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) - ufc_4_159_01n0002Foreword - ufc_4_159_01n0003Contents - ufc_4_159_01n0004Chapter 1 Introduction - ufc_4_159_01n0005Appendix A - ufc_4_159_01n0006CCB Application Notes - ufc_4_159_01n0007Design Manual 39ContributorsAbstract - ufc_4_159_01n0013Foreword - ufc_4_159_01n0014Contents - ufc_4_159_01n0015Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0016Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0017Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0018Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0019Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0020Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0021Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0022Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0023Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0024Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0025Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0026Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0027Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0028Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0029Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0030Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0031Figures - ufc_4_159_01n0032Figures - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0033Figures - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0034Figures - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0035Tables - ufc_4_159_01n0036Chapter 1. Hyperbaric FacilitiesHazardsChapter 2. Hyperbaric Pressure VesselsDesign Considerations - ufc_4_159_01n0040Manufacturers Design ReportUser's Design SpecificationSection 2. Materials for Hyperbaric VesselsPressure Hull/Vessel MaterialsBolting MaterialClass 2, Material of known propertiesClass 3, Materials whose properties are to be provenClass 3, Materials whose properties are to be proven - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0048Class 3, Materials whose properties are to be proven - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0049Figure 2-1 typical Charpy Test Data on High Strenght SteelsFigure 2-2 Typical NDT Specimen Performance at Different Temperatures When to ASTM A-208Figure 2-3 Typical Charpy V Impact Test DataFigure 2-4 Arrest Curve Overlayed to Demonstrate the Rezidual Strees PatternFigure 2-5 Toughness Relative of Rolling and Effect of Rolling Ratio of High Strength SteelsFigure 2-6 Toughness Relative to Direction of rolling of Aluminum Alloy PlatesCorrosion ConsiderationsCorrosion Considerations - Cont'dSection 3. Design\Computer ProgramsStress Intensity LimitsStress classificationTable 2-1 Classification of Tresses for Some Typical CasesTable 2-1 Classification of Tresses for Some Typical Cases - Cont'dDetermining stress intensities Figure 2-7 Stress Categories and Limits of Stress IntenstyDetermining stress intensities - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0067Figure 2-8 Fatigue Curve for Low Carbon and Alloy SteelsDetermining stress intensities - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0069Design Requirements - ufc_4_159_01n0070Table 2-2 Strees Intensity Factors for Various Load CombinationsArticle D-2, "Shells of Revolution Under Internal PressureArticle D-5, "Openings and Their ReinforcementAppendix 3, "Rules for Bolted Flange Connections" Appendix 6, "Experimental Stress Analysis"Example of Design By Analysis as Applied to a Spherical ChamberFigure 2-9 Schematic of Proposed Class 1 Vessel Materials and Initial CalculationsSupport Skirt Compressive StressPenetrations & Openings, ReinforcementDesign for Internal PressureInlet and Outlet Nozzles - ufc_4_159_01n0084Figure 2-10 Details of Reinforcement for 4.0 Inch NozzleInlet and Outlet Nozzles - Cont'dViewport Mounting RingFigure 2-11 Details of Windows ReinforcementEntranceway-shell IntersectionFigure 2-12 Details of Reinforcement for 40.0 InchDiameter PenetrationEntranceway-shell Intersection - Cont'dFigure 2-13 Details of Entranesway and DoorStress Analysis - ufc_4_159_01n0094Method of AnalysisFigure 2-14 Model No. 1 for Input to Computer ProgramFigure 2-15 Model No. 2 for Input to Computer ProgramFigure 2-16 Model No. 3 for Input to Computer ProgramMethod of Analysis - Cont'dFigure 2-17 Details of 4.0-Inch Nozzle From Model No. 1Figure 2-18 Some Maximum Stresses in Model No. 1Categorization of StressFigure 2-19 Details of Geometric Model of the 40.0 Inch Entranceway ReinforcementFigure 2-20 Some Maximum Stresses in Model No.2Figure 2-21 Some Maximum Stresses in Model No.3Categorization of Stress - Cont'dStress IntensitiesStress Intensity Limits.Stress Intensity Limits - Cont'dTable 2-3 Maximum Stress Intensities in Model No. 1Table 2-4 Maximum Stress Intensities in Model No. 2Table 2-5 Maximum Stress Intensities in Model No. 3Stress Index MethodDesign ChangesMiscellaneous ConsiderationsExample of Design by Analysis as Applied to A Cylindrical ChamberMinimum Shell ThicknessInlet and Outlet Nozzles - ufc_4_159_01n0119Figure 2-22 Configuration of 5.0 Inch Diameter Intet and Outlet NozzlesFigure 2-23 Details of Shell, Viewport Penetration in Head and EntrancewayHatchSupports - ufc_4_159_01n0124Figure 2-24 Front View of Cylindrical ChamberFigure 2-26 Longitudinal Section of Cylindrical ChamberFigure 2-27 details of Viewport Penetration Reinforcement in CylinderFigure 2-28 Model of Hactch end of Vessel for Input to Computer Methods of Analysis-Nonsymmetric ProblemsFigure 2-29 Cireumferential Stress in Vessel at Hatch end Figure 2-30 Maridional Stress in Vessel at Hatch EndFigure 2-31 Computer Model and Stress Output for Hatch CoverCategorization of Stress.Figure 2-32 Three Component Model of Viewport penestration in Cylinder for Input to ComputerFigure 2-33 Hoops Stresses in Vicinitry of Viewport penetration in Cylinder Stress Intensities.References - ufc_4_159_01n0138References - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0139Chapter 3. AppurtnancesFigure 3-1 Flat Plate ViewportFigure Double Conical Frustum WindowFigure 3-5 Flat Windows Pressure Sealing With Exyerior BoltingMaterial Selection - ufc_4_159_01n0144Figure 3-7 Commercially Available Glass WindowsField of View ConsiderationsFigure 3-8 Refractive Effect of Flat WindowsFigure 3-9 Limiting Aperture Locations on Various Viewport ConfigurationsFigure 3-10 Graphical Determination of Monocular and Binocular Viewing Fields in the Horizontal PlanePhysical PropertiesTable 3-1 Specified Values of Physical Properties for Each LotTable 3-1 Specified Values of Physical Properties for Each Lot - Cont'dTable 3-2 Specified Values of Physical Properties for Each CastingWindow Design Figure 3-11 Standard Window geometricsSTCP of an acrylic plastic window is, for the purposes of this StandardFigure 3-12 Short Term Critical Presure of Flat Disc Acrylic Windows to 7,250 psiFigure 3-13 Short Term Critical Presure of Flat Disc Acrylic Windows to 7,250 psiFigure 3-12 Short Term Critical Presure of Conical Frustum Acrylic Windows to 7,250 psiFigure 3-15 Short Term Critical Presure of Conical Frustum Acrylic Windows to 43,500 psiTable 3-3 Conversion Factors for Acrylic Plastic Flat Disc WindowsTable 3-4 Conversion Factors for Acrylic MasticTable 3-5 Conical Frustum Windows for Design Pressures in Excess of 10,000 psi (69 MPA)The STCP of a window accepted for service in pressure vessels for human occupancy should not be less thanWindow Seats Figure 3-16 Seat Cavity Requirements (Conical Frustum, Spherical Shell, and Flat Disc)Figure 3-17 Seat Cavity Requirements (Double Beveled Disc)Windows SealDimensional Tolerances and Surface FinishFabrication of WindowsTable 3-6 Annealing Schedule for Acrylic Plastic Windows Pressure Testing of WindowsSection 2. Doors and ClosuresFigure 3-18 Typical Recompression Chamber DoorFigure 3-19 Typical Service LockTable 3-7 Standing Anatomical Dimensions (inches)Table 3-8 Seated Anatomical Dimensions (inches) (See Reference 5)Figure 3-20 Typical Recompression Chamber Entrance (Vertical Door)Closing Mechanisms Figure 3-21 Breach LockFigure 3-22 Spring ClampsFigure 3-23 Segmented Ring ClosureFigure 3-24 Swing Bolt Closure Figure 3-25 Clamping Bar Closure Doorand Closure HigesFigure 3-26 Compound HingesFigure 3-27 Conventional Gasketed ClosureDoor Seals for Compression ChambersFigure 3-29 Threaded Cap Closure Figure 3-30 Threaded Plug ClosureFigure 3-31 Flat Face 0-Ring Suitable for High PressureFigure 3-32 Floating Ring Seal for High PressuresFigure 3-33 O-Ring Sealeed Penetrator PlugDoorand Closure LocationFigure 3-34 Chamber Door With O-ring Dovetail GrooveSection 3. Interior AppurtenancesReferences - ufc_4_159_01n0197Chapter 4 FoundationsSection 1. Site Selection Section 2. Subsurface Evaluation Laboratory TestsSection 3. Foundation Analysis and DesignFoundation Types - ufc_4_159_01n0203Foundation Type SelectionSection 4. Structural SupportsDesign Parameters Pecullair to Each MaterialReinforced ConcreteSection 5. Installation in Existing BuildingsFoundation Types - ufc_4_159_01n0209Structural SupportsReferences - ufc_4_159_01n0211Chapter 5. Piping Table 5-1 Hyperbaric Facilities - Applicable Codes, Spacifications, and StandardsSection 2. Design ConsiderationsSpecial consideration must be given toSection 3. Piping System MaterialsTable 5-2 Class 1 Piping MaterialsMaterials Specifically Not Permitted Material Compatibility Compatibility with OxygenTable 5-3 Oxygen Systems Contained in MIL-STD-777Environmental CompatibilitySection 4. Construction ConsiderationsTable 5-4 Wall Thickness for BendingPipe JointsBrazing QualificationFlanged Joints/Bolted FlangesSection 5. Design GuidanceFluid Flow ApproximationsFigure 5-1 Friction Factors for Clean Commercial Stest and Wrought Iron PipeApproach to Flow ApproximationFigure 5-2 Resistance of Valves and FittingsTable 5-5 Physical Properties of GasesTable 5-6 Reasonable Velocities for the Flow of Water Through PipeTable 5-9 Flow of Water Through Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Table 5-10 Flow of Air Through Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Table 5-11 Commercial Wrought Steel Pipe DataTable 5-11 Commercial Wrought Steel Pipe Data - Cont'dApproach to Flow Approximation - Cont'dApproximation for Water, Low FlowFigure 5-3 Example Fluid SystemApproximation for Helium, High FlowTable 5-12 Typical Dimentions for Commercially Available Tubing Design for Pressure Design for Pressure - Cont'dSystem Detailing and Final Flow AnalysisSystem Detailing and Final Flow Analysis - Cont'dFlanged Joint SealsStructural Analysis - ufc_4_159_01n0250Structural Analysis - Cont'dAnalysis Procedure for Category I and II Piping SystemCategory III and IV Piping SystemsNoise ConsiderationsTable 5-13 Sound Level Considerations in Small Compartments (5.13)Noise Control.Color Code Shore Based SystemsReferences - ufc_4_159_01n0258References - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0259Chapter 6 Life Support SystemsFigure 6-1 Parcentage of Oxygen in Breathing Mixture as a Function of Depth and Oxygen Partial Pressure (1)Oxygen versus Depth RangesContaminants - ufc_4_159_01n0263Figure 6-2 Limiting Percent of CO2 in Breathing Gas Mixture as a Funtion of Depth and CO2 Partial Pressure (1)Figure 6-3 Relation of Physiological Effacts to Carbon Dioxide Concentration and Exposure Period (4)Figure 6-2 Limiting Percent of CO in Breathing Gas Mixture as a Funtion of Depth and CD Partial Pressure (7)Breathing Gas Consumtion RequirementsFigure 6-5 Total Hydrocarbons Allowed Vs. Dive Depth (7)Figure 6-7 Allowable Sulfur Dioxide Vs. Dive Depth (7)Figure 6-8 Relation of Respiratory Volume and Oxygen Consumtion to Type and Level of Exertion (9)Section 2. Air SystemsFigure 6-9 Compressed Air SystemFigure 6-10 Vertical Storage Flask DrainFigure 6-11 Horizontal Storage Flask Section 3. Gas SystemsFigure 6-14 Gas Transfer to StorageFigure 6-15 Schematic Arrangement of Airco Mixmaker Mixing System (1)Figure 6-16 Carbon Dioxide ControlFigure 6-17 Characteristics of Three Carboon Dioxide Absorbent (1)Temperature-Humidity Control Figure 6-18 relation of Pressure Drop to Supercial Velocity,PressureFigure 6-19 Typical Canister Configuration (1)Figure 6-20 Temperature Humidity ControlFigure 6-21 Psychrometric Chart1 - Data for Gas Mixtures at PressuresFigure 6-22 Psychrometric Chart 2 - Data for Gas Mixtures at PressuresFigure 6-23 Psyhrometric Chart 3 - Correction for Enthalpy of Molsture Content (1)Gas Distribution Figure 6-24 Gas Sampling EquipmentSection 4. Auxiliary Breathing SystemsSection 5. Atmosphere Monitoring Figure 6-26 Typical Online Gas Analysis SystemSection 6. Food SupplyFigure 6-27 Typical Potable Water and Sanitary SystemFigure 6-28 Typical Sanitary System InterlockPotable Water and Sanitary SystemReferences - ufc_4_159_01n0298Chapter 7. Wet Chamber Water SystemsFigure 7-1 West Pot Water System Schemetric DiagramLinesSection 2. Water TreatmentSection 3. Water Temperature Control Figure 7-2 Viewport Insulating CoverReferences - ufc_4_159_01n0305Chapter 8. Fire Protection and Extinguishing SystemsManual ActivationFigure 8-1 Pressurized Tank for Fire ExtinguishingFire ExtinguishersThis is a Serious MisconceptionFigure 8-2 Physiologically Usable, Fire Safe Regional for Helium-Oxygen Atmospheres (1)Figure 8-3 Combustibility of Material in a Chamber Pressurized First with Air Then With HeliumStructural Emergency Breathing Apparatus References - ufc_4_159_01n0316Chapter 9. Electrical SystemsSection 2. Power SupplyFigure 9-1 Example of Isolation CircuitsSection 3. WiringExplosion-Proof CircuitsFigure 9-2 Example of an Energy Limited SupplySection 4. LightingFigure 9-3 Hull Mounted Sbmarine Navigation LightFigure 9-4 Light Pipe Pressure Containing WindowsFigure 9-6 Hull Mounted Submarine Navigation Light ReplacementFigure 9-8 External Light Heat Shield and Dissipation Table 9-1 Recommended Illumination Levels for Various Task GradesReferences - ufc_4_159_01n0329Section 1. Audio CommunicationsIntercom Power RequirementsFigure 10-1 Fundamental Lengthwise Resonant Frequencis Section 2. Video CommunicationsFigure 10-2 Example Audio SystemFigure 10-3 Camera LocationLighting RequirementsChapter 11. Chamber Operating Control SystemsFigure 11-2 Suggested Parameters for Mockup of Standing Operator WorkplacesSection 2. Control Panel DesignReferences - ufc_4_159_01n0340Chapter 12. Lubricants, Sealants, and Cleaning Procedures for Hyperbaric SystemsTable 12-1 Lubricants OilsTable 12-3 Lubricants Dry Films Table 12-4 Gaskets, Packing, and BearingsTable 12-5 Thread Sealants and LubricantsSection 2. Cleaning ProceduresTable 12-8 Limits for Atmospheric ConstituentsTable 12-9 Maximum Concentration for Some Common Contaminants in Saturation Complex AtmospheresTable 12-9 Maximum Concentration for Some Common Contaminants in Saturation Complex Atmospheres - Cont'dPiping and Gas Storage SystemsAcceptable Cleaning AgentsReferences - ufc_4_159_01n0352Index - ufc_4_159_01n0353Index - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0354Index - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0355Index - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0356Index - Cont'd - ufc_4_159_01n0357