Special purpose rooms such as laboratories and computer rooms
insulation and vapor transmission barriers to minimize the loads on the
mechanical system. Ceiling decks of spaces below supercooled computer rooms
and perimeter walls are apt to collect condensate if not properly insulated. Handicapped Design. Provide barrier-free access to civilian work
spaces and spaces intended for public access. It is increasingly necessary
to support handicapped access with the advent of more private contractors
providing operation and maintenance personnel instead of utilizing military
personnel. Design facilities to locate handicapped access spaces on first
floor only, unless the size of the facility's administrative and other
accessible areas requires a second floor. Certain portions of the facility
will not lend themselves to a handicap design, such as the device area
platforms, and are exempt from the requirement due to their hazardous nature.
Comply with current criteria in Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards
(UFAS). Elevators and Stairs. Comply with requirements of DM 3.09,
and handicapped criteria in UFAS. For safety related measures, comply with
ASME/ANSI A17.1, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators, and NFPA 13,
Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems.
Provide freight elevators where stairs cannot accommodate the
weight and size of routinely transported equipment. Consider the weight
associated with transporting security vaults or training equipment to upper
levels. Provide stair tread nosings that are resistant to heavy trainee
pedestrian traffic volume. Dumbwaiters. Comply with requirements of DM 3.09, Elevators,
Escalators, Dumbwaiters, Access Lifts, and Pneumatic Tube Systems.
Consider a dumbwaiter where high volume floor to floor transport of
such items as audiovisual equipment, publications and printing, and general
supplies is required. Access Floor Systems. Provide access flooring in computer rooms
and in administrative spaces where networks are used. The underfloor space
Provide sealer to concrete decking and exposed perimeter lower walls.
Plastic laminate covering is preferred for access floor panels except where
sound control is paramount.
Walls must penetrate access flooring and secure to structural slab
to meet fire protection, security, and/or sound requirements. Provide
sleeves and intumescent packing where pipes and conduit penetrate fire rated
walls. Waterproof perimeter of depressed area if it adjoins a building edge
below grade. The access floor space will usually serve as a supply air
plenum. Ceilings. Provide access where projection services, mechanical and
electrical equipment, including adjustment, maintenance and shutoff devices,
are located. Ceilings should be maintainable and easily repaired.