Army Reserve Facilities - indexArmy Reserve Facilities - ufc_4_171_050001Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) - ufc_4_171_050002Foreword - ufc_4_171_050003Contents - ufc_4_171_050004Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_171_050005Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_171_050006Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_171_050007Figures - ufc_4_171_050008Figures - Cont'd - ufc_4_171_050009Figures - Cont'd - ufc_4_171_050010Chapter 1 Introduction and General InformationFigure 1-2 Project GuidanceFormat of the Design GuideFigure 1-4 ARRTC VOQ Ft. McCoy, WisconsinProviding a copy of the current Full Facility AssessmentFigure 1-5 Total Systems DesignFigure 1-6 USARC, Camp Parks, CaliforniaProgram SynopsisFigure 1-7 OMS/DS-GS, Arden Hills, MinnesotaUsar Project FundingConstruction Contract AwardChapter 2 Planning GuidelinesFigure 2-2 USARC, Green Bay, WisconsinInstallation Design GuidanceEnvironmentalFigure 2-3 Site AccessFigure 2-5 Typical AMSA Site Plan Existing Jurisdictional AgreementsTraffic ImpactsMilitary Vehicle InformationFigure 2-7 Landscape PlantingBuildingsFigure 2-8 ARRTC VOQ, Ft. McCoy WisconsinFigure 2-9 Flexibility for FutureFigure 2-10 Training Center AdjacenciesFigure 2-12 Lobby and Full-time OfficeFigure 2-13 Office/Unit Common RelationshipFigure 2-16 Assembly Hall AdjacenciesFigure 2-17 Janitorial and ToiletsFigure 2-18 Conference RoomFigure 2-19 OMS Schematic DiagramFigure 2-20 Shop Office ViewsFigure 2-22 ARRTC VOQ, Ft. McCoy, WisconsinInformation Technology - ufc_4_171_050044Figure 2-23 USARC, Ft. Knox, KentuckyConsideration should be given not only to securing facilitiesChapter 3 General Design ConsiderationsFigure 3-2 ARRTC VOQ, Ft. McCoy, WisconsinStructural Features - ufc_4_171_050049Water MainNatural Gas - ufc_4_171_050051Curb and GutterSidewalks and ApronsCivil LayoutDriveway and Parking LayoutsFences must be electrically groundedFigure 3-5 USARC, Sacramento, CaliforniaGeneral - ufc_4_171_050058Fire Sprinkler SystemAR/MDS Approved Systems and MaterialsFigure 3-6 AFRC, Greenville, North CarolinaRoom NumberingFigure 3-7 ARRTC VOQ, Ft. McCoy, WisconsinFigure 3-8 Duffel Bag Cage LayoutFigure 3-9 USARC, Camp Parks, CaliforniaFurniture - ufc_4_171_050066Structural - ufc_4_171_050067Design LoadsLateral DesignWall ElevationsRenovations/AlterationsMechanical - ufc_4_171_050072MDS/USAR Approved Materials and SystemsPlumbing - ufc_4_171_050074Figure 3-11 Janitor's ClosetExterior Electrical SystemsInterior ElectricalPowerInterior LightingCommunications - ufc_4_171_050080Specifications - ufc_4_171_050081SpecsintactCost Estimating - ufc_4_171_050083Figure 3-13 USARC, Arden Hills, MinnesotaAntiterrorism Force ProtectionTraining Center Uninhabited SpacesFigure 3-14 USARC, Arden Hills, Minnesota GroundwaterContaminated Site IssuesMunitionsChapter 4 Individual Space Criteria - ufc_4_171_050091Full-time OfficesFigure 4-1 Single OfficeFigure 4-4 Unit CommonsRecruiting/Retention OfficeFamily Support OfficeFigure 4-7 MailroomFigure 4-8 Copy RoomFigure 4-9 NOCLobby - ufc_4_171_050100Assembly HallFigure 4-11 Assembly Hall and KitchenFigure 4-12 Chair and Table StorageKitchen (See Also Appendix E)Arms VaultFigure 4-13 Armorer's Room and Arms VaultArms Vault Armorer s RoomClassrooms - ufc_4_171_050109Figure 4-14 ClassroomLibrary Reading RoomFigure 4-16 Library Reading RoomFigure 4-17 Library StorageFigure 4-19 Training Aids StorageCOMSEC TrainingFigure 4-20 COMSEC TrainingUnit/Individual StorageFigure 4-21 Unit Storage with Supply OfficeFigure 4-22 Unit Storage with Staging and Supply OfficeSupply OfficeFigure 4-23 JanitorialFigure 4-24 Facility Maintenance StorageFugure 4-25 Weapons SimulatorMechanical - ufc_4_171_050124Figure 4-26 Photo LabMedical SectionConference RoomDrafting RoomPhysical Readiness TrainingFigure 4-28 Physical Readiness Training RoomArmy Global Command Control System (AGCCS )Distance Learning CenterFigure 4-30 Shower RoomFigure 4-32 Locker RoomFigure 4-33 Vending AlcoveFigure 4-34 Break AreaElectrical - ufc_4_171_050137TelephoneCirculation - ufc_4_171_050139Furniture - ufc_4_171_050140Figure 4-35 Shop OfficeFigure 4-36 Unisex ToiletFigure 4-37 Tools and Parts Storage RoomSpecial Equipment AlcoveFigure 4-38 Flammable StorageControlled Waste StorageFigure 4-39 Controlled Waste Storage WorkbaysFigure 4-40 WorkbaysMechanical/CustodialInformation Technology - ufc_4_171_050151Unheated Storage (UHs)AMSA WorkbaysFigure 4-41 Small Arms Repair Room with Arms VaultFigure 4-42 Electric / Comm. RepairFigure 4-44 Battery Room and ToiletDirect Support/General Support (Ds/Gs)Ware HouseAppendix A References - ufc_4_171_050159 Department of the ArmyArmy Reserve Support Team Documents Non-Government Publications - ufc_4_171_050162Non-Government Publications - Cont'd - ufc_4_171_050163Non-Government Publications - Cont'd - ufc_4_171_050164Appendix B Acronyms and Military Rank DesignationsAppendix B Acronyms and Military Rank Designations - Cont'd - ufc_4_171_050166Appendix B Acronyms and Military Rank Designations - Cont'd - ufc_4_171_050167Appendix B Acronyms and Military Rank Designations - Cont'd - ufc_4_171_050168B-2 Military Rank Designations Enlisted RanksAppendix C OMAR-Funded ItemsGeneral - ufc_4_171_050172Appendix D Sample 1390, 1391, and 5034R - Funtional Space Detail D sample 1390 Continued - ufc_4_171_050174D sample 1391D sample 1390 Continued - ufc_4_171_050176D sample 1390 Continued - ufc_4_171_050177Functional space Details - Actual/ english 171 - training BuildingFunctional space Details - Actual/ english 171 - training Building - Cont'd - ufc_4_171_050179Functional space Details - Actual/ english 171 - training Building - Cont'd - ufc_4_171_050180Functional space Details - Actual/ english 171 - training Building - Cont'd - ufc_4_171_050181Functional space Details - Actual/ english 171 - training Building - Cont'd - ufc_4_171_050182Functional space Details - Actual/ english 171 - training Building - Cont'd - ufc_4_171_050183Functional space Details - Actual/ english 171 - training Building - Cont'd - ufc_4_171_050184Functional space Details - Actual/ english 171 - training Building - Cont'd - ufc_4_171_050185Functional space Details - Actual/ english 171 - training Building - Cont'd - ufc_4_171_050186214 - Maintenance - tank and Automotive214 - Maintenance - tank and Automotive - Cont'd - ufc_4_171_050188214 - Maintenance - tank and Automotive - Cont'd - ufc_4_171_050189214 - Maintenance - tank and Automotive - Cont'd - ufc_4_171_050190214 - Maintenance - tank and Automotive - Cont'd - ufc_4_171_050191214 - Maintenance - tank and Automotive - Cont'd - ufc_4_171_050192UnH - Unheated storageUnH - Unheated storage - Cont'dSPRT - Support FacilitiesStat - statisticsAppendix E Standard Kitchen Plan and Equipment List Equipment ListAppendix F Toilet Room Fixture CountsFemale Toilet Room Fixture CountsMale Toilet Room Fixture Counts - continued - ufc_4_171_050201Male Toilet Room Fixture Counts - continued - ufc_4_171_050202Appendix G Band Room Figure G-1 Standard Band Room PlanAppendix H Secure Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIF)Space InformationAppendix I Physical Exam Wing Space Design InformationConstructed roomAppendix J Equipment Concentration Site (ECS) Indoor Equipment Storage WarehouseAppendix K Roof Systems for Army Reserve ProjectsGeneral DirectionRequirements for all systemsInstallers Statement on Roof WarrantyAppendix L U.S. Army Reserve/MDS Physical Readiness Room Equipment MatrixAppendix M Sample Projects and Photography CreditsAdd/Alt AFRC/Oms/Storage: Orlando, FloridaUSARC/Oms/Ds-Gs/Whs: Arden Hills MinnesotaUSARC: Fort Dodge,IowaBerry Rosenblatt USARC/OMs; West Hartford, ConnecticutUSAR Battale Projection Center: Arlington Heights, IllinoisUSARC/OMs/AMSA: Ft. Belvoir, VerginiaUSARC/AMSA:Pittsburgh, PennsylvaniaUSARC: Des Molnes, IOWAUSARC/OMs: Toledo, OHIOUSARC/OMs/UHs:LincolnnebraskaUSARC/DCMC: Arlington Heights, IllinoisUSARC/OMs/WHs:Sacramento, CaliforiaUSARC: Parks RFTA,Dublin, CaliforniaUSARC/OMs/Whs:Salt Lake City, UtahUSARC/OMs/ECS:Fort Polk , LouisianaAFRC/OMs/AMSA/Uhs:Greenville, North CarolinaARRTC VOQ/Dormitory: Fort McCoy, WisconsinUSARC?Oms/Storage:Mesa, Arizona