Design: Navy Firefighting School Facilities - indexDesign: Navy Firefighting School Facilities - ufc_4_179_010001Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) - ufc_4_179_010002Foreword - ufc_4_179_010003Contents - ufc_4_179_010004Chapter 1 Introduction - ufc_4_179_010005US Air ForceAppendix A Firefighting School FacilitiesFirefighting School FacilitiesAbstracForeword - ufc_4_179_010010Training Facilities Criteria Manuals - ufc_4_179_010011Contents - ufc_4_179_010012Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010013Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010014Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010015Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010016Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010017Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010018Contents - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010019Tables - ufc_4_179_010020Tables - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010021Section 1: Introduction - ufc_4_179_010022Types of TrainersSection 2: Design CriteriaPollution PermitsUtility DesignBreathing Air - ufc_4_179_010027Emergency Power - ufc_4_179_010028PropanePropane - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010030Propane - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010031Propane - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010032Propane - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010033Propane - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010034Propane - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010035Propane - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010036Provide emergency shutoff valves with fusible linksA leak detector kit located outsideDesigned for outside useSafety precautions to be observed in handling LP gasesSafety precautions to be observed in handling LP gases - Cont'dNatural Gas - ufc_4_179_010042Water - ufc_4_179_010043Water StorageSupporting Facilities - ufc_4_179_010045Storage and RefillOther FacilitiesWild HoseMaintenance Contractor AreaDevice ContractorFacility ContractorFireplaceGas ChamberSite Development - ufc_4_179_010054Storage LockerElectrical - ufc_4_179_010056Section 3: Training StructureGeneral - ufc_4_179_010058Drainage - ufc_4_179_010059ConsumablesFireplace Compartment DimensionsDoors and Hatches - ufc_4_179_010062Wire Mesh DoorsVertical LaddersSpecial Compartment LightingElectrical Interlocks in Crawl Space and Burner RoomsElectrical Interlocks in Crawl Space and Burner Rooms - Cont'dAlarm for Loss of Electrical PowerCrawl Space FloorStaging FloorMaintenance FloorWindows - ufc_4_179_010072Roofs and CeilingsInstructor's Station and Electrical SpaceVentilation - ufc_4_179_010075Combustion AirDilution AirDampersFanFan - Cont'dTable 1 Main Ventilation Air for Fireplace CompartmentControlOther RoomsSafety - ufc_4_179_010084General - ufc_4_179_010085Fireplace CompartmentCrawl SpaceAFFF Fill StationCO2 Extinguisher Fill StationFireplaces - ufc_4_179_010090Instructor's Station - ufc_4_179_010091Table 2 21C12 and 21C12A StructuresTable 2 21C12 and 21C12A Structures - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010093Table 2 21C12 and 21C12A Structures - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010094Ventilation for 21C12 and 21C12A StructuresAir Conditioning and HeatingBreathing Air - ufc_4_179_010097Electrical - ufc_4_179_010098Central Control PanelPropane Warning SignsIntercom System - ufc_4_179_010101Ceilings - ufc_4_179_010102Table 3 Dimensions of Burn Areas for 19F1A and 19F1B Structures FiguresTable 3 Dimensions of Burn Areas for 19F1A and 19F1B Structures Figures - Cont'dInstructor's Station - ufc_4_179_010105Mechanical - ufc_4_179_010106Table 4 19F1A and 19F1B StructuresTable 4 19F1A and 19F1B Structures - Cont'dTable 4 19F1A and 19F1B Structures - Cont'd Air Conditioning - ufc_4_179_010110Table 5 19F1A and 19F1B Ventilation AirArchitectural - ufc_4_179_010112Galley/Berthing Fire BuildingFireplaces - ufc_4_179_010114Table 6 Dimensions for 19F3 and 19F3B Structures Fireplace LocationsVentilation - ufc_4_179_010116Table 7 19F3 and 19F3B StructuresTable 7 19F3 and 19F3B Structures - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010118Table 7 19F3 and 19F3B Structures - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010119Table 7 19F3 and 19F3B Structures - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010120Table 8 19F3 and 19F3B Ventilation Air19F3A and 19F3C Structures - ufc_4_179_010122Doors and Hatches - ufc_4_179_010123Fireplaces - ufc_4_179_010124Table 9 Dimensions for 19F3A and 19F3C Structures FireplacesTable 9 Dimensions for 19F3A and 19F3C Structures Fireplaces - Cont'dTable 10 19F3A and 19F3C StructuresTable 10 19F3A and 19F3C Structures - Cont'dTable 10 19F3A and 19F3C Structures - Cont'd Air Conditioning - ufc_4_179_010130Table 11 19F3A and 19F3C Ventilation AirLayout - ufc_4_179_010132Foam DeckCrash LockersStructural Features - ufc_4_179_010135Miscellaneous - ufc_4_179_010136Table 12 19F4 and 19F4A StructuresTable 12 19F4 and 19F4A Structures - Cont'dVentilation - ufc_4_179_010139Foam ProportioningCeilings - ufc_4_179_010141Instructor's Station - ufc_4_179_010142Miscellaneous - ufc_4_179_010143Firefighting AgentsTable 13 19F5 and 19F5A StructuresTable 13 19F5 and 19F5A Structures - Cont'dVentilation - ufc_4_179_010147Table 14 19F5 and 19F5A Ventilation AirSection 4: Agents and ApparatusSubstituteHandling SystemPortable AFFF Fire ExtinguishersPotassium BicarbonateCarbon Dioxide (CO2)Carbon Dioxide (CO2) - Cont'dHalonHose Station 1 (HS1)\Foam Station (FS)Stand Pipe (SP)Submarine Hose Station 2 (SHS2)PKP Fire Extinguisher (PFE)Section 5: Protection of the EnvironmentTable 15 Typical Air EmissionsTable 16 Wastewater CharacteristicsTable 16 Wastewater Characteristics - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010165Table 16 Wastewater Characteristics - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010166Table 16 Wastewater Characteristics - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010167Table 16 Wastewater Characteristics - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010168Table 16 Wastewater Characteristics - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010169Table 16 Wastewater Characteristics - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010170Table 16 Wastewater Characteristics - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010171Artificial SmokeGeneral - ufc_4_179_010173Table 17 Wastewater Surcharge LimitsSeparation ChamberPretreatmentRecoveryRecovery - Cont'dAppendix A GeneralAppendix A General - Cont'dFigure A-1A 19F1A, 19F3, 19F3A, 19F1B, 19F3B, 19F3C Bilge Fireplace StructureFigure A-1C 19F1A, 19F1B, 19F3, 19F3A, 19F3C, Oil Spray/Bilge FireplaceFigure A-2 Typical Deep Fat Fryer FireplaceFigure A-3 Typical Mattress/Locker FireplaceFigure A-4 Hose Station Detail HS1 - 40 mmFigure A-5 HS2 - 65 mm Hose Station Detail Figure A-6 FR - AFFF Hose Reel Detail Figure A-7 Quick Acting Watertight DoorFigure A-8 Ellison Type DoorFigure A-9A Fireplace SupportFigure A-9B Fireplace SupportFigure A-12 Particulate ComplianceFigure A-11 Recharging Tilt Rack and Fill EquipmentFigure A-12 Watertight Hatch for Emergency Escape TrunkFigure A-13A Wild Hose Demonstration FacilityFigure A-13B Wild Hose Post DetailFigure A-14 Portable Pump P-250 Demonstration FacilityFigure A-15 Separation Chamber, 21C12 and 19F Series DevicesFigure A-16 Calsoft L-40 Viscosity Characteristics CurveFigure A-17 Calsoft L-40/Water Viscosty Characteristics CurveFigure A-18 Two Position Control InterfaceFigure A-19 Floating Point Control InterfaceFigure A-20A Exhaust Fan/Crawl Space Power Controls & InterlocksFigure A-20B Exhaust Fan/Crawl Space Power Controls and InterlocksFigure A-20C Exhaust Fan/Crawl Space Power Controls and InterlocksFigure A-20D Exhaust Fan/Crawl Space Power Controls and InterlocksFigure A-21A AFFF StationFigure A-21B AFFF StationFigure A-21C AFFF StationFigure A-21D AFFF StationFigure A-21E AFFF StationFigure A-21F AFFF StationFigure A-21G AFFF StationFigure A-21H AFFF StationFigure A-21I AFFF StationFigure A-21J AFFF StationFigure A-22 Luminaire, Type 1 & 2 Appendix B 19F1A and 19F1B StructuresFigure B-1 19F1A/19F1B IsometricFigure B-2 19F1A/19F1B Staging Area PlanFigure B-3 19F1A/19F1B Second Floor PlanFigure B-4 19F1A/19F1B First Floor PlanFigure B-5 19F1A/19F1B Sections Appendix C 19F3 and 19F3B StructuresFigure C-1 19F3/19F3B B-1 Bilge Fire Building Roof PlanFigure C-2 19F3/19F3B B-1 First Floor Plan - ufc_4_179_010226Figure C-3 19F3/19F3B Galley/Berthing Building B2 First Floor PlanFigure C-4 19F3/19F3B Pit Fire Building B3 & B4 First Floor Plan Figure C-5 19F3/19F3B B2 SectionsFigure C-1 19F3/19F3B B2 SectionFigure C-7 19F3/19F3B B3/B4 Section19F3A and 19F3C Structures - ufc_4_179_010232Typical Piping Diagram - ufc_4_179_010233Figure D-2 19F3A/19F3C Second Floor PlanFigure D-3 19F3A/19F3C Roof PlanFigure D-4 19F3A/19F3C ElevationAppendix E 19F4 and 19FA StructuresFigure E-1 19F4/19F4A Training Deck Floor PlanFigure E-2 19F4/19F4A Elevation Figure E-3 19F4/19F4A Foam DeckFigure E-4 19F4/19F4A AFFF Balanced Pressure Proportioning SystemFigure E-5 Training and Foam Deck RailingFigure E-6 19F4/19F4A Crawlspace Plan and PedestalAppendix F 19F5 and 19FA StructuresFigure F-1 19F5/19F5A First Floor PlanFigure F-2 19F5/19F5A ElevationAppendix G 21C12 and 21C12A StructuresFigure G-1 21C12/21C12A First Floor PlanFigure G-2 21C12/21C12A SectionFigure G-3 21C12/21C12A SectionFigure G-4A 21C12/21C12A Training Compartment/Equipment MockupFigure G-4B 21C12/21C12A Training Compartment/Equipment MockupFigure G-5 21C12/21C12A OBA Canister Storage RackFigure G-6 21C12/21C12A EAB CabinetFigure G-7 21C12/21C12A OBA LockerFigure G-8 21C12/21C12A Fire Hose Locker Wall MountedFigure G-9 21C12/21C12A Fire Hose Locker Floor MountedFigure G-10A AFFF Fill StationFigure G-10B AFFF Fill StationFigure G-11 21C12/21C12A EAB Outlet HousingFigure G-12A Combined Hose StationFigure G-12B Combined Hose StationFigure G-12C Combined Hose StationFigure G-12D Combined Hose StationFigure G-12E Combined Hose StationFigure G-12F Combined Hose StationFigure G-13A EAB System SchematicFigure G-13B EAB System SchematicFigure G-13C EAB System SchematicFigure G-13D EAB System SchematicuFigure G-13E EAB System SchematicFigure G-13F EAB System SchematicFigure G-14 21C12/21C12A - Alarm System SchematicAppendix H Gas ChamberFigure H-1 Gas Chamber Gas Mask Wall StorageFigure H-2 Gas Chamber Floor Plan Appendix I CO2Figure I-1 21C12/21C12A CO2 Bulk Tank DetailsFigure I-2 21C12/21C12A CO2 SchematicsFigure I-3 21C12/21C12A CO2 SchematicsFigure I-4 21C12/21C12A CO2 Manual Extinguisher Fill PumpFigure I-5 21C12/21C12A CO2 FlowSchematicsFigure I-6 21C12/21C12A CO2 Wiring SchematicsFigure I-7 21C12/21C12A CO2 LegendAppendix J PropaneFigure J-1A Clearance RequirementsFigure J-1B Clearance RequirementsFigure J-2 Propane Gas Train at Facility/Device InterfaceFigure J-3 Symbol InterPretation/IdentificationFigure J-4A Waterbath Vaporizer With Liquid PumpFigure J-4B Waterbath Vaporizer With Liquid PumpFigure J-5A Steam Heated Vaporizer With Liquid PumpFigure J-5B Steam Heated Vaporizer With Liquid PumpFigure J-6A Waterbath Vaporizer Without Liquid PumpFigure J-6B Waterbath Vaporizer Without Liquid PumpFigure J-7A Steam Heated Vaporizer Without Liquid PumpFigure J-7B Steam Heated Vaporizer Without Liquid PumpReferences - ufc_4_179_010298References - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010299References - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010300References - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010301References - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010302References - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010303References - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010304Glossary - ufc_4_179_010305Glossary - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010306Glossary - Cont'd - ufc_4_179_010307Standardization Document Improvement Proposal - ufc_4_179_010308