d) Since the foam stations and foam reels cannot be
adequately drained they should be freeze-protected by a
removable, insulated and electrically heated cover. The cover
should be completely removable so that during training the hose
stations maintain a shipboard appearance.
Breathing Air. The quality standard for compressed
air to be used for breathing air is Federal Specification (Fed.
Spec.) BB-A-1034, Compressed Air, Breathing. Breathing air is
not a requirement in surface fleet training facilities; however,
it is a requirement for submarine fleet trainers. Refer to par. for requirements. Breathing air for instructors by the
use of personal "SCOTPAK" units is not covered by this handbook.
Fire Department. Training facilities are designed on
the basis that experienced instructors with adequate fire
control equipment will be present at--all times that training is
being conducted. The fire suppression capability will be
supplemented by a municipal or military fire department whenever
possible, with fire department notification provided by properly
spaced exterior fire alarm boxes, fire telephones, or other
approved means. Provide fire hydrants at each firefighting
school site in accordance with the National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA) 24, Installation of Private Fire Service
Mains and Their Appurtenances.
project sites for EMI to determine required EMI protection for
trainers. EMI testing should be accomplished by the Naval Air
Warfare Center Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD) during
preliminary design to determine cost impact. If NAWCTSD test
results indicate EMI shielding is required, NAWCTSD should
determine if the device equipment can be shielded. If device
EMI shields are determined to be inadequate, then NAWCTSD should
notify the Engineering Field Division (EFD) or Engineering Field
EMI shielding requirements.
Equipment Outages
Standby. There is no requirement for standby
equipment in excess of full design capacity for the systems
supporting a firefighting training facility. Critical support