a) Floor support steel should be
indirectly attached
to the walls and crawl space floor to allow
room for thermal
expansion. Connections should have slotted
bolt holes to allow
for thermal expansion. Floor support steel
should be hot-dipped
b) Areas designated as fireplace locations should be
free of lights, equipment, flooring, and floor support members.
The perimeter of the fireplace area should be designed, as shown
in Appendix A, Figure A-9, to support the future device mockup
around its perimeter. Fireplace support should be 70 mm below
the trainer floor. Since this area will remain open until the
device contractor installs the mockup, a temporary post and
chain railing should be provided around the perimeter.
Design Note: Drawings should show locations of
sectionalized grating. Grating sections should be dimensioned
and sized on drawings. A note should be provided on drawings to
indicate the contractor should use the dimensions given as a
guide only. Adjoining grating sections should match and be at
the same elevation.
Crawl Space Floor. The crawl space floor should be
located directly under each training floor. Each crawl space
floor should be at or above grade for safety reasons. It should
be constructed of concrete. The functions of the crawl space
floor are to collect agents which come through the training
floor grating, to separate training compartments in the case of
two-story structures and provide a platform for the maintenance
of burner and sensor equipment. The crawl space floor should
have chamfers where the walls meet the floors. The cants should
be 150 mm high and 150 mm wide.
a) Where the crawl space floor meets any wall,
provide a 150 mm high by 150 mm wide cant strip, fillet or curb.
The purpose of this cant strip is to prevent propane gas from
accumulating in the corners of the floor or wall interface. The
cant strip will allow the propane gas to flow away from the