HOA switch. The timer relay will alleviate the human error of
energizing the crawl space electrical circuit prematurely.
Refer to Appendix A, Figure A-20. Insulation or Shielding. Where exhaust ducts pass
from one fire compartment into the occupied space of another,
they should be shielded or insulated or otherwise outfitted to
ensure that personnel cannot be burned. If insulation is used,
its jacket should be able to withstand the heat and force of a
hose jet.
21C12 and 21C12A Structures
General. The 21C12 and 21C12A structures will be used
to provide hands-on practical firefighting, training for
submarine personnel. The structure is designed to train a class
of 25 students maximum. Refer to par. 3.1, subpars. f) through
h) for class types.
Siting. On some projects, the 21C12 and 21C12A will
be combined with the 21C6, submarine damage control trainer.
Criteria for the 21C6 device is maintained by NAVAIRWARCEN
Training Systems Division in Orlando, Florida. The 21C6 may
only be physically attached to the 21C12 and 21C12A trainers at
the bulk storage room. However, access to the bulk storage room
via ramp and truck platform is required. Other exterior walls
of the 21C12 and 21C12A should remain exposed to the outside.
structures are provided in Appendix G. Layout. The 21C12 and 21C12A structures should
consist of one fireplace compartment containing three
fireplaces. The compartment is accessed from staging areas on
either side through a submarine watertight door. There are two
submarine doors in the 21C12 and 21C12A structures. All three
fireplaces should be able to run simultaneously.
Mechanical Equipment Room: A 232.25 sq. m (floor
area) mechanical equipment room should be provided as a second
floor above the bulk storage area.