UFC 4-211-01N
25 October 2004
Including change 1, 1 October 2006
survey, or lacking one, provide the minimum protection standards outlined in the
standards. Coordinate all ATFP issues with the base that may be a part of another
project or impact adjacent facilities such as security fencing, parking etc.
See also paragraphs 2-2, 2-9 and 4-4.4 for further requirements
concerning ATFP.
SUSTAINABLE DESIGN. Evaluate and select major building components
and building materials based on the following factors:
Resource conservation utilizing smaller quantities and less of given
Recycled content utilizing recycled materials
Renewability and use of sustainable management practices use of
standards and certification programs
Local content and reduced transportation use of locally manufactured
Life Cycle costs and maintenance requirements evaluation of useful life
versus first cost.
Resource recovery and recycling recycleability of building products
Cost for sustainable design features are incorporated into all MILCON
projects. Coordinate the requirements of appendix A of the contract. Buildings may be
required to obtain a certification developed by the U. S Green Building Council
(USGBC). Information concerning the Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design
Address any questions regarding this requirement to the design agency and the activity.
ACCESSIBILITY. In general, aircraft hangars are occupied by able-
bodied military personnel only and are not required by the Uniformed Federal
Accessibility Standards (UFAS) to provide for the disabled. Verify that the facility will
only be used by able-bodied military personnel. If the facility will be used by civilians,
the UFAS requirements need to be incorporated into the design. The designer should
consider waiving, in whole or in part, the accessibility features of the design if requested
by the activity. If the activity requests that accessibility requirements be waived, a letter
must be sent to the design agency. Submit a waiver request per MIL-STD-3007C,
Standard Practice for Unified Facilities Criteria and Unified Facilities Guide
Specifications. Include a supporting letter, signed by the base commander, certifying
that the facility will only be used by able-body military personnel with the waiver request.
A sample of this supporting letter is attached in Appendix C.