UFC 4-211-02N
10 January 2005
including change 3, 13 April 2007
The OSHA database for available information and interpretations edited as
"Laws, Regulations and Interpretations provides a comprehensive and easy to
use resource for current OSHA standards and enforcement-related information.
Interpretations, enforcement guides, and other enforcement related information
will be interlinked with regulatory requirements using hypertext links. Not all
interpretations which have been issued by OSHA are included on "Laws,
Regulations and Interpretations page". Ongoing maintenance is designed to
provide the most up-to-date OSHA standards and interpretations of employee
safety and health issues, while reducing the duplication of information and
removing outdated guidance."
Attached is a list of known interpretations attempting to clarify the use of reduced
and recirculating airflow by OSHA. Included in the interpretations are those
annotated with an "*" are no longer available from the database but are included
for supporting clarification, establishing the track record of acceptance by OSHA
in industry for various allowances over the last 15-20 years. A copy is included
at the end of this appendix or through imbedded file links. Interpretations
published on the website may be accessed directly by imbedded
hyperlink.(Control-enter key on the subject)
Clarification subject
Spray Booth vs. Spray Area
11/04/1976 - Clarification Paint Spray Booth and
Spray Areas
Recirculation Airflow Allowed
*10/16/1987- A Clarification of requirements for
recirculating air discharged from Spray
Recirculation Airflow Allowed
*11/03/1989- Exhaust Air in Spray Operations
Recirculation Airflow Allowed and
*Jan 16, 1990- From Directorate of Compliance
interpretations of de minimis violations policy
Recirculation Airflow and the allowance of
*08/27/9991-Spray Booth compliance with
most concurrent census standards and de
OSHA standards is determined at the workplace
minimis violations
De minimis violation Impact/Lack thereof
1995 - 08/03/1995 - Letter requesting a
compliance determination of control device
system used primarily in paint spray booth
Reduced velocity in paint spray areas
1997 - 04/08/1997 - The airflow rate required for
a spray painting area.
OSHA De minimis policy and compliance to
1996 - 03/15/1996 - Spray Finishing.
NFPA-33 which allows recirculation
OSHA De minimis policy and compliance to
1996 - 05/14/1996 - Interpretation for questions
NFPA-33 which allows recirculation
related to compliance with NFPA 33 (1995